
An OAuth 1.0 for Elixir

Primary LanguageElixirISC LicenseISC


Build Status Hex Version

Library to authenticate with OAuth 1.0 protocol.


Add OAuther as a dependency to your mix.exs file:

defp deps do
  [{:oauther, "~> 1.1"}]

After you are done, run mix deps.get in your shell to fetch the dependencies.


Example below shows the use of hackney HTTP client for interacting with the Twitter API. Protocol parameters are transmitted using the HTTP "Authorization" header field.

creds = OAuther.credentials(consumer_key: "dpf43f3p2l4k3l03", consumer_secret: "kd94hf93k423kf44", token: "nnch734d00sl2jdk", token_secret: "pfkkdhi9sl3r4s00")
#=> %OAuther.Credentials{
#=>   consumer_key: "dpf43f3p2l4k3l03",
#=>   consumer_secret: "kd94hf93k423kf44",
#=>   method: :hmac_sha1,
#=>   token: "nnch734d00sl2jdk",
#=>   token_secret: "pfkkdhi9sl3r4s00"
#=> }
params = OAuther.sign("post", "https://api.twitter.com/1.1/statuses/lookup.json", [{"id", 485086311205048320}], creds)
#=> [
#=>   {"oauth_signature", "ariK9GrGLzeEJDwQcmOTlf7jxeo="},
#=>   {"oauth_consumer_key", "dpf43f3p2l4k3l03"},
#=>   {"oauth_nonce", "L6a3Y1NeNwbU9Sqd6XnwNU+pjm6o0EyA"},
#=>   {"oauth_signature_method", "HMAC-SHA1"},
#=>   {"oauth_timestamp", 1517250224},
#=>   {"oauth_version", "1.0"},
#=>   {"oauth_token", "nnch734d00sl2jdk"},
#=>   {"id", 485086311205048320}
#=> ]
{header, req_params} = OAuther.header(params)
#=> {{"Authorization",
#=>   "OAuth oauth_signature=\"ariK9GrGLzeEJDwQcmOTlf7jxeo%3D\", oauth_consumer_key=\"dpf43f3p2l4k3l03\", oauth_nonce=\"L6a3Y1NeNwbU9Sqd6XnwNU%2Bpjm6o0EyA\", oauth_signature_method=\"HMAC-SHA1\", oauth_timestamp=\"1517250224\", oauth_version=\"1.0\", oauth_token=\"nnch734d00sl2jdk\""},
#=>  [{"id", 485086311205048320}]}
:hackney.post("https://api.twitter.com/1.1/statuses/lookup.json", [header], {:form, req_params})
#=> {:ok, 200, [...], #Reference<>}


OAuther is released under the ISC license.