
GGScene manager is an easy to use scene management class. It has plenty of transitions, with more that can be added, and is very easy to use.

Primary LanguageLua


GGScene manager is an easy to use scene management class. It has plenty of transitions, with more that can be added, and is very easy to use.

Sample video here - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_riCrSOjTS0

Basic Usage

Require the code.
local GGScene = require( "GGScene" )
Create your scene manager.
local sceneManager = GGScene:new()
Create your scene manager with some default info set, default transition time and default easing.
local sceneManager = GGScene:new( 500, easing.inOutExpo )
Change to a new scene without a transition.
sceneManager:gotoScene( "SceneA" )
Change to a new scene with a transition using the default time and easing type.
sceneManager:gotoScene( "SceneB", "slideFromRight" )
Change to a new scene with a transition and override the default time and easing type.
sceneManager:gotoScene( "SceneB", "flipUp", 2000, easing.inOutExpo )
Print out a list of available transition types.
Load the previous scene using the reverse effect. If you want more fine-grained control just use the gotoScene function.
Load a popup.
sceneManager:loadPopup( "PopupA" )
Load a popup with a transition. Not all transitions will work for popups yet.
sceneManager:loadPopup( "PopupB", "slideFromRight" )
Close a popup.
sceneManager:closePopup( "PopupA" )
Enable debug mode for printing of info and errors.
Disable debug mode.
Destroy the scene manager
sceneManager = nil

Scene Properties

Each Scene has the following properties by default accessible via 'self':
self.view -- A display group that all your display objects should be inserted into.
self.name -- The name of the scene, i.e. "SceneB.lua" would be named "SceneB".
self.sceneManager -- A reference to the GGScene object, useful for calling other scenes without it having to be a global variable.
self.isReady -- Boolean representing whether the screen is ready, i.e. fully loaded after the transition.

Scene Template - "SceneB.lua"

local SceneB = {}
local SceneB_mt = { __index = SceneB }

--- Called when the scene is first initialised.
function SceneB:new()
    local self = {}
    setmetatable( self, SceneB_mt )
    return self

--- Called when the scene is first created.
-- @param data Optional data to pass on to the scene.
function SceneB:onCreate( data )	

--- Called in the enterFrame event.
function SceneB:onUpdate( event )


--- Called when the scene is about to get loaded.
function SceneB:onLoad()


--- Called when the scene is about to get unloaded.
function SceneB:onUnload()


--- Called when the scene is ready, i.e. fully loaded and on the screen.
function SceneB:onReady()


--- Called when the scene is about to get destroyed.
function SceneB:onDestroy()


return SceneB

Update History


Initial release