
Pixel sorting images in python.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


What is Pixel Sorting?

Have a look at this post or /r/pixelsorting

How this program works:

The interval function (selected via command line, random by default) partitions each row of the image into intervals and returns an array intervals that defines them. This array, along with the image (in RGB array form) are passed to sort_image which does the dirty work and returns an array of sorted pixels.


git clone https://github.com/satyarth/pixelsort.git
cd pixelsort
python3 pixelsort.py %PathToImage% [options]

####Parameters (Command Line):

  • -i (interval function): Controls how the intervals used for sorting are defined.

  • -o (output file): Path of output file. Randomly generates a file name by default.

  • -r (randomness): What % of intervals not to sort. 0 by default.

  • -t (threshold): Defines the threshold while performing edge detection. 100 by default.

  • -c (clength): Characteristic length for the random width generator.

  • -a (angle): Angle at which you're pixel sorting. 0 (horizontal) by default.

  • -f (intervals file): Image used to define intervals.

Interval Functions

  • random: Randomly generate intervals. Distribution of widths is linear by default. Interval widths can be scaled using clength.

python3 pixelsort.py examples/image.jpg -i random -c 20


  • edges: Performs an edge detection, which is used to define intervals. Tweak threshold with threshold.

python3 pixelsort.py examples/image.jpg -i edges -t 250


  • none: Intervals = entire rows.

python3 pixelsort.py examples/image.jpg -i none


  • waves: Intervals are waves of nearly uniform widths. Control width of waves with clength.

python3 pixelsort.py examples/image.jpg -i waves


  • file: Intervals taken from image specified with -f. Must be black and white and the same size as the input image.

python3 pixelsort.py examples/image.jpg -i file -f examples/intervals.png


(generated with elementary-ca)



  • Allow defining different intervals for different channels.
  • Sorting along arbitrary functions

Based on https://gist.github.com/LycaonIsAWolf/667c5554e5d9d9a25ae6