
My Collection of Interacting w/ DeFi Applications on Ethereum

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A demonstration of interacting with different DeFi applications on Ethereum.

Technology Stack & Tools

Requirements For Initial Setup

  • Install NodeJS. Recommended to use the latest LTS (Long-Term-Support) version, and preferably installing NodeJS via NVM.
  • Create an Alchemy account, you'll need to create an app for the Ethereum chain, on the mainnet network.

Setting Up

1. Clone/Download the Repository

2. Install Dependencies:

npm install

3. Create .env

Refer to the .env.example file and create a .env with the following variables:


These variables are not required but can be made for fine tuning:

  • BLOCK_NUMBER="18024700"
  • OPTIMIZER="false"
  • RUNS="200"

Running Tests

1. Run tests

npx hardhat test

2. (Optional) Run individual tests

In a separate terminal execute: npx hardhat test ./test/<name>.js

Running Scripts

1. Start Hardhat Node

In a separate terminal execute: npx hardhat node

2. Start Hardhat Node

In a separate terminal execute: npx hardhat run scripts/<folder>/<name>.js --network localhost