
Primary LanguageTypeScript


Before Anything

Make sure you have docker and docker-compose installed on your computer

Follow this guide to get docker installed

Follow this guide to get docker-compose installed

Setting up Envs

Check the .env.example file and create a .env file on root folder. Since this is just a test project the .env.example variables are also populated with their respective values. Copy the entire content and paste it in the .env file. Then follow the ADDITIONAL ENV SETUP instruction in the .env.example file to set up the database credentials.

Starting server

# install dependencies
$ npm i

# start server
$ npm run up:build

For testing purposes, you can seed the database by sending a POST request to http://localhost:5090/api/v1/countries/seed.

Log into PGAdmin by opening http://localhost:8080 on your browser and use these credentials: email: admin@admin.com password: admin. When creating a new server in PGAdmin use postgres as database source instead of localhost.

Stoping server

# development
$ npm run down


Base URL: http://localhost:5090/api/v1 Headers: Request-Type: production || test

GET /countries GET /countries/:id e.g countries/2 POST /countries

sample payload:

    "name": "Nigeria",
    "capital": "Abuja",

PATCH /countries/:id e.g countries/2 DELETE /countries/:id e.g countries/2