
A discord program that will send a message to nearly every user in a discord server. Only for educational purposes 🥱🚀


Easy to use
Auto Scrapes User
Multiline message and embed support (Embeds will only work as a link from now on)
Server Joiner and Leaver
Multiple Tokens
Multi functional Token formatter
Blacklist Users
Avoid DMing Bots
Keep Tokens Online [OPTIONAL]
Blacklist Roles (Won't dm users with that role.. perfect for blacklisting admins etc.)
Proxy Support (socks4/socks5/http/https, you have to choose one type multiple proxy types aren't supported)
Proxy Scraper + Checker (hardcore skidded, don't blame me)
Random User-Agent with matching Superproperty
uncomplicated config.json


500 Stars: Make a new Mass Dm repo (using selenium, almost 300 dms each email verified and aged account, pretty slow but healthy for the tokens)