
UI Test Automation Code Challenge

Primary LanguageRuby

Dexcom Code Challenge

By Gloria Friesen

Current Version:

1.0 - 09.08.2017


Front-end automation test code challenge for Dexcom. Duplicates "Register New User Test", running against https://shrouded-lowlands-66853.herokuapp.com/

Notes on My Solution

  • I have the tests running in a Chrome browser. I needed a web driver to direct the tests toward a remote web application. Selenium defaulted to Firefox which had issues connecting to the heroku app. Switching the default driver to Selenium-Chrome and installing Chromedriver worked beautifully. Also, I love watching the tests run in the browser, it's both rewarding and magical.
  • I chose to use Capybara and rspec matchers, without Cucumber. I felt that Capybara allowed me to have clear description statements without having to pull in (and learn) Cucumber.
  • For clarity and to capture screenshots after each test step, I decided to write out each step as it's own test. When a test was failing, it was much easier to find the solution.
  • Several of the test cases were the same "Navigate to the Testing Page" (A01, A06, A09, A13), resulting in redundancy. I considered not having those steps as separate test cases, but I thought it was worth including to ensure the application could navigate between errors and successes accurately. I would rather have redundancies than holes in test coverage.
  • Most of the test cases include comprehensive test coverage. I test the expected outcome as well as the unexpected outcome. For example, if the expected outcome is navigating to the success page, I tested that the success page displayed and no error messages were displayed.



  • Ruby 2.0 or higher
  • Bundler
    • Not sure if you have it, check: $ bundle version
    • If you don't, install: $ gem install bundler
  • Xcode commandline tools
    • I needed to install this directly. Otherwise, my bundler could not install Capybara, which depends on Nokogiri, which depends on xcode commandline tools for installation. From the documentation, most people should not need to install it explicitly.
    • But, if you run into issues when installing Capybara via the Gemfile, try installing xcode: $xcode-select --install
  • Chromedriver
    • install: $ brew install chromedriver
    • if you don't have homebrew, install it with the command $ /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"

Run it

  • clone the repository: $ git clone <https://github.com/GloriaFriesen/dexcom-challenge.git>
  • navigate to project folder: $ cd dexcom-challenge
  • install gems: $ bundle install
  • run the tests: $ rspec

Test Cases

Test Step Action Expected Result Screenshot
A01 Navigate to the Testing Page. Page to register a new user is displayed. A01.png
A02 Fill out all required fields except for First Name with valid data and check all checkboxes. Select the Save User button. An error message displays indicating that the First Name field requires a value. A02.png
A03 Clear all fields. Fill out all required fields except for First Name with valid data and check all checkboxes. Attempt to fill in the First Name field with 16 valid characters. Only the first 15 characters are entered. Record the value you attempted to enter. Record the value which was actually entered. A03.png
A04 Clear all fields. Fill out all required fields with valid data and check all checkboxes. Do not select a suffix. A04.png
A05 Select the Save User button. The app navigates to the Success page. There is no error message indicating that a suffix is required. A05.png
A06 Navigate to the Testing Page.
A07 Clear all fields. Fill out all required fields except for Title with valid data and check all checkboxes. In the Title field, enter a value containing letters and at least one number. Select the Save User button. An error message displays indicating that the Title field only accepts letters and spaces. A06.png
A08 Clear all fields. Fill out all required fields except for Title with valid data and check all checkboxes. In the Title field, enter a value containing letters and at least one space. Select the Save User button. The app navigates to the Success page. A07.png
A09 Navigate to the Testing Page.
A10 Fill out all required fields except for Email with valid data and check all checkboxes. Fill out the Email field with abc. Select the Save User button. An error message displays indicating that the Email field must be formatted as an email. A10.png
A11 Clear all fields. Fill out all required fields except for Email with valid data and check all checkboxes. Fill out the Email field with a@bc. Select the Save User button. An error message displays indicating that the Email field must be formatted as an email. A11.png
A12 Clear all fields. Fill out all required fields except for Email with valid data and check all checkboxes. Fill out the Email field with a@b.c. Select the Save User button. The app navigates to the Success page. A12.png
A13 Navigate to the Testing Page.
A14 Clear all fields. Fill out all required fields except for Zip with valid data and check all checkboxes. Fill out the Zip field with between 1 and 4 valid characters. Select the Save User button. An error message displays indicating that the length of the zip code must be between 5 and 20 characters. A14.png
A15 Clear all fields. Fill out all required fields except for Zip with valid data and check all checkboxes. Fill out the Zip field with between 21 and 25 valid characters. Select the Save User button. An error message displays indicating that the length of the zip code must be between 5 and 20 characters. A15.png

Support and contact details

Questions? Concerns? Suggestions? Reach out to me via github: https://github.com/GloriaFriesen.

Technologies Used

  • Ruby
  • Capybara
  • rspec
  • Selenium


This software is licensed under the MIT license. Copyright (c) 2017 Gloria Friesen.