Join me on my Dart/Flutter journey.

This repo is created to keep track of my flutter learning. I will be sharing EVERYTHING here.

#Day 0

Day 1 dart learning(Dart syntax basics 1/3).

Today, I continued my journey of learning Dart, and I focused on understanding the basic syntax and structure of the language. Here are the key points I covered:

  1. I learnt that Dart has various data types, including int, double, String, and bool, and I can use the var keyword for type inference.
  2. I used the 'print' function to output information to the console, which is essential for debugging and displaying results.
  3. Comments in Dart can be added using '//' for single-line comments and '/* */' for multi-line comment. Plus, Comments are useful for documenting code. Here is the link to day one code (little) practice:

Day 2 dart learning(Variables and Types 2/4)

Today, I continued my journey of learning Dart, and I focused on understanding the basic syntax and structure of the language(Variables and dart 2/4). Here are some of the areas I covered:

  1. I learnt about constant variables and final variables.
  2. I learnt that the final variable is like a constant, but it's value is determined at runtime.
  3. 'const' variables are more efficient in terms of memory usage because their values are known at compile-time, while 'final' variables may have more flexibility but might consume slightly more memory.
  4. I learnt that mutable variables use the keyword 'var' or declaration as a prefix. Immutable variables use the key word final. <Days/Day 2.dart>

Day 3 dart learning(Variables and Types 3/4)

Today, I continued my journey of learning Dart, and I focused on understanding the constant and final variables. Here are some of the areas I covered:

  1. I focused on understanding the constant and final variables I started learning in day 2.
  2. I started learning about Null safety. No code.

Day 4 dart learning (Variables and Types 4/4)

Today, I continued my journey of learning Dart, and I did a little practice of what I have learnt so far from day one to 3. Here are some of the areas I covered:

  1. I learnt how to use the backslash in dart for escaping characters "" A quick example;
  1. I learnt about Null safety; Nullable and Non-nullable types, Nullability annotations, and late variables.

Day 5 dart learning (Collections and Null safety 1/3)

Today, I continued my journey of learning Dart, and I focused on learning about collections and Null safety. Here are some of the areas I covered:

  1. I learnt that collections are used to manage and store multiple values.
  2. I learnt about the collection types in dart; 'List','Set' and 'Map'. Code Practice<Days/Day 5.dart>

Day 6

On this day as I continued my journey of learning Dart,I focused writing practice code.

Day 7

__ __<Days/Day 7.dart>

Day 8 (Collections 2/3)

Today, I continued my journey of learning Dart, and I focused on learning more about collections. Here are some of the areas I covered:

  1. I learned about some of the functions and properties of the types of collections in dart Code practice <Days/Day 8.dart>

Day 9 (Collections 3/3)

Today, I continued my journey of learning Dart, and I focused on learning about 'Queue'. Here are some of the areas I covered:

  1. I learned about the collection 'Queue' <Days/Day 9.dart>

Day 10 (Operations in dart

Today, I continued my journey of learning Dart, and I focused on learning about the operations in dart. Here are some of the areas I covered:

  1. I learned about the operations in dart, the types of operations in that and their functions. Code practice <Days/Day 10.dart>

Day 11 (---)

Day 12 (Operations in dart)

Today, I continued my journey of learning Dart, and I still focused on learning about the operations in dart.

Day 13 (Loops in dart)

Today, I continued my journey of learning Dart, and I still focused on learning about loops in Dart.

Day 14

Today, I continued my journey of learning Dart, and I focused on collecting a few practice questions fron the internet(from resourses online) Here are some of the areas I covered:

  1. For Day 15/16, I plan to practice all that I have covered from day one with some of the task practice I found online. As I do so, I hope to learn new things too.

Day 15 (Decision making in dart 1/3)

Today, I continued my journey of learning Dart, and I focused on learning decision making in dart. Day 15 did not go as planned because most of the practice I planned to work on covered some topics I have not touched. Here are some of the areas I covered:

  1. Today, Day 15 I learned about decision in dart

Day 16 (Decision making in dart 2/3)

Today, I continued my journey of learning Dart, and I focused on learning decision-making in Dart. Here are some of the areas I covered:

  1. Today, I learned about the 'if' statement. <Days/Day 16.dart>

Day 17 (if, if else statement 3/3)

Today, I continued my journey of learning Dart, and I focused on learning decision-making(if, if else statement in dart) in Dart. Here are some of the areas I covered:

  1. Today, I learned more about the 'if' statement and the 'if else' statement.

  2. Code practice <Days/Day 17.dart>

Day 18 (Conditional expressions)

Today, I continued my journey of learning Dart, and I focused on learning conditional expressions in Dart. Here are some of the areas I covered:

  1. Today, I learned more about the 'if-else' conditional expression
  2. I did a small code practice <Days/Day 18.dart>

Day 19 (Conditional expression)

Today, I continued my journey of learning Dart, and I focused on learning about Null -aware conditinal expressions Here are some of the areas I covered:

  1. Code practice <Days/Day 19.dart>

Day 20 (SWITCH and CASE conditional statement)

Today, I continued my journey of learning Dart, and I focused on learning about SWITCH and CASE conditional statement. Here are some of the areas I covered:

  1. I read about the SWITCH and CASE conditional statement
  2. I will post the code practice in day 21.

Day 21 (SWITCH and CASE conditional statement)

Today, I continued my journey of learning Dart, and I focused on learning about SWITCH and CASE conditional statement. Here are some of the areas I covered:

  1. I practiced the 'switch-case' conditional statement.
  2. Code practice <Days/Day 21.dart>

Day 22 (SWITCH and CASE conditional statement)

Today, I continued my journey of learning Dart, and I focused on learning about Standard input output. Here are some of the areas I covered:

  1. I read about the standard input output from online resources.
  2. Code practice in day 23

Day 23 (User input in dart)

Today, I continued my journey of learning Dart, and I focused on learning about Standard input output. Here are some of the areas I covered:

  1. I still read about the standard input output from online resources.
  2. I was able to diffrentiate between the String user input, int user input and the floating point user input
  3. I wrote a little practice code. <Days/Day 22.dart>

Day 24 (User input in dart)

Today, I continued my journey of learning Dart, and I focused on learning about the basics of OOP(Object oriented programming) in dart Here are some of the areas I covered:

  1. I learned about the advantages of OOP,and the features of OOP. <Days/Day 23.dart>

Day 25 (OOP in dart (Class))

Today, I continued my journey of learning Dart, and I focused on learning about class in dart Here are some of the areas I covered:

  1. I learned about class in dart.
  2. I wrote a few practice code <Days/Day 25.dart>

Day 26 (OOP in dart (Object))

Today, I continued my journey of learning Dart, and I focused on learning about class in dart Here are some of the areas I covered:

  1. I learned that objects are self-contained units of codes and data.
  2. I learned how to declare object in Dart.<Days/Day 26.dart>

Day 27 (OOP in dart (Constructor))

Today, I continued my journey of learning Dart, and I focused on learning about constructor in dart Here are some of the areas I covered:

  1. I learned how to use constructor with my understanding of class and object in dart.
  2. Here is the link to the practice code <Days/Day 27.dart>

Day 28 (OOP in dart)

Today, I continued my journey of learning Dart, and I still focused on learning about constructors in dart Here are some of the areas I covered:

  1. I learned that you cannot have both default and parameterized constructors at the same time.
  2. Named constructor- There can be as many named constructor as possible within the same class
  3. Here is the link to Day 28 code practice <Days/Day 28.dart>

Day 29 (OOP in dart)

Today, I continued my journey of learning Dart, and I still focused on learning about constructors in dart Here are some of the areas I covered:

  1. I practiced what I learned on day 28
  2. I learned about constant constructors in dart.
  3. I started learning about encapsulation in dart; I'll focus on it on day 30
  4. Here is the link to Day 29 code practice <Days/Day 29.dart>

Day 30

Today, I continued my journey of learning Dart, and I still focused on learning about encapsulation Here are some of the areas I covered:

  1. I learned about encapsulation and that encapsulation is a mechanism for hiding important and sensitive data from users.
  2. I started learning about getters and setters
  3. Code practice <Days/Day 30.dart>