
GlotPress plugin to add features like discussions

Primary LanguagePHP



This plugin sends notifications (emails) to notify about some changes.

All the users that writes in the thread will receive an email, except the one that writes the current comment.

We have two different situations, related with the users that will be notified:

  • Typo or context request
  • Question in one language.

Typo or context request

The GlotPress admins will receive an email. In the replies, all the users that writes in the thread will receive an email. If none of these users is an administrator, the other GlotPress admins will receive an email.

Question in one language

The validators for this project and locale will receive an email. In the replies, if none of these users is a validator, all the validators for this project and locale will receive an email.

Disabling notifications

If you want to avoid sending notifications, you can add

add_filter( 'gp_notification_before_send_emails', '__return_empty_array', 10, 1 );

Code standards


Before checking the PHP code standards, please, install the dependencies using:

composer install

To check the PHP code standards, use:

composer lint

To automatically try to resolve the PHP code standards errors, use:

composer format

If you want to see all the PHP errors and warnings, use:

php ./vendor/bin/phpcs

To see only the PHP errors and not the PHP warnings, use:

php -n ./vendor/bin/phpcs


Before checking the JavaScript code standards, please, install the dependencies using:

npm install

To check the JavaScript code standards, use:

npm run lint:js

To automatically try to resolve the JavaScript code standards errors, use:

npm run lint:js-fix

Unit Testing

Ensure you are in the gp-translation-helpers plugin directory.

Install all dependencies by running;

composer install

Set up test environment

Run the command below to setup default WordPress core and WordPress tests installation directories and test database.

tests/phpunit/bin/install-wp-tests.sh <db-name> <db-user> <db-pass> [db-host] [wp-version] [skip-database-creation]

To define your own custom directories for the installation of WordPress Core and WordPress tests, use the command below, replacing the /path/to/custom/directory with the correct path for each variable ;

WP_TESTS_DIR=/path/to/custom/directory WP_CORE_DIR=/path/to/custom/directory tests/phpunit/bin/install-wp-tests.sh <db-name> <db-user> <db-pass> [db-host] [wp-version] [skip-database-creation]

Running the tests

To run the unit tests with default settings, run;

composer test

To define the path to your GlotPress installation if it's different from the default, run the command below and replace /path/to/GlotPress/installation with the correct path to your GlotPress installation;

GLOTPRESS_PATH=/path/to/GlotPress composer test

If you have defined a custom directory for the installation of WordPress Core and WordPress tests run the command below and replace the /path/to/custom/directory with the correct path for each variable;

WP_TESTS_DIR=/path/to/custom/directory WP_CORE_DIR=/path/to/custom/directory composer test


[0.0.2] Not released

[0.0.1] 2017-03-29

Forked version from https://github.com/Automattic/gp-translation-helpers