
For the paper of 'Real-time mango detection on CPU using pruned YOLO network'

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Fast Mango Detection on CPU-level using pruned YOLOv3-tiny

For the paper 'Real-time mango detection on CPU using pruned YOLO network'


A Keras implementation of pruned YOLOv3-tiny to detect mango data (Tensorflow backend). Original YOLO implement is inspired by qqwweee/keras-yolo3.

How to use

  1. Processing your data. The mango dataset is opensource can be found in here. Mango dataset labels are all xml files. So voc_annotation.py is for you to transfer them into txt file for our code.

  2. The COCO2017 dataset can be found here. COCO website offer a lot of API for quickly using the COCO data. You can easily get the apple and orange images as you need.

  3. Download YOLOv3-tiny pre-trained weigths from YOLO website. Then convert.py can be used to transfer the .weights file to .h5 file.

  4. Now the GradAM (gradient of target output with respect to the activation maps * activation maps) can be computed using compute_grad_am.py. We also upload the results in model_data/grad_am_sort_idx_L.npy, so you can directly use it to prune the YOLOv3-tiny.

  5. Some description for code in main dir.

    • kmeans.py is for computing anchor sizes.
    • compute_grad_am.py is used for computing F1 scores of all network.
    • compute_flops.py is used for computing FLOPs in Table 1 of the manuscript.
  6. Then we will use the GradAM to prune the network. Using "prune_for_retrain_yolo.py" to prune the original YOLO network, then using "retrain_pruned_net.py" to finetuning it.

  7. "train_MangoYolo.py" is for reproducing paper of MangoYOLO. The trained weights and network structure can be find in logs for validate the results in our manuscript.

  8. Some description for directories.

    • data_annotation stores formatted txt file of mango dataset.
    • dataset stores COCO apple and orange images and mango dataset.
    • logs stores trained network weights.
    • yolo3 contains all network building codes and some utils.

Try it

  1. For the Table 1 in the manuscript
    • After reformatting the mango data labels to .txt, run detect_mango_cfg.py to generate the F1 score in Table 1. You can change param cfg to use other trained networks to detect the mango.


  title={An attribution-based pruning method for real-time mango detection with YOLO network},
  author={Shi, Rui and Li, Tianxing and Yamaguchi, Yasushi},
  journal={Computers and Electronics in Agriculture},