
Tsampi is a federated permissioned blockchain. This is the first public testnet. Make an issue with your public git repo and if it validates according to the rules it will be merged in.

Primary LanguageGCC Machine Description

Tsampi 0000 - null byte edition

Tsampi is a federated permissioned blockchain. This is the first public testnet.

The Rules

  1. 0 files may be deleted
  2. 0 files may be edited
  3. 1 file must be created unless it is a merge commit then no files can be created
  4. a file must be named the hexdigest of the sha1 of its contents with the extension .md and within the ./data directory
  • sha1sum ./data/adc83b19e793491b1c6ea0fd8b46cd9f32e592fc.md adc83b19e793491b1c6ea0fd8b46cd9f32e592fc ./data/adc83b19e793491b1c6ea0fd8b46cd9f32e592fc.md
  1. the file contents must be utf8 encoded
  2. a commit hash must have proper proof-of-work unless it is a merge commit
  • uint(COMMIT_HASH) < (3 / git show --format=raw --show-signature | wc -c ) * 0XFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
  1. all commits must be valid relative all their respective immediate parents commits
  2. the rules may be broken if the commit is signed with gpg fingerprint 8C2E 500D 0D00 45B5 0DB6 2786 7CDA 9DF0 F5CF 98B9