
Gmfholley site

Primary LanguageJavaScript

#Set Up for Fun Site

To run this locally, you need node, npm, and mongdb.

  1. Install Node and npm comes bundled with it.

  2. Install mongodb.

  3. While you're in the root of this repo, install all of my dependencies, using npm. They are listed in package.json and can be installed with the command below.

	$ npm install
  1. Create a .env file and set process.env.CONNECTION_STRING, process.env.SECRET, process.env.API_URL.

  2. Look up how to run a mongo server in your environment. In a Mac environment, try running this in a new terminal windo:

	$ ./mongod
  1. Open a new terminal to query your mongo database. You may need to do this as a super user. In a Mac environment, try:
	$ ./mongo name-of-database

Some nice queries to test are:

	$ show collections

//   lists collection names

	$ db.<collection-name>.find()

// returns default number of records

  1. Run this app in your environment with npm start.