DemocracyOS is an online space for deliberation and voting on political proposals. It is a platform for a more open and participatory government.The software aims to stimulate better arguments and come to better rulings, as peers.
Check out the live DemocracyOS demo.
Please refer to the Installation wiki page for detailed instructions on how to install and setup your instance of DemocracyOS.
- DemocracyOS - PDR: The Net Party's official deployment of DemocracyOS.
- EuVoto: Brazilian initiative by the Open Knowledge Foundation Brasil to discuss legislation in the city of Sao Paulo.
- Loi Renseignement: First deployment by DemocracyOS France to discuss the Loi Renseignement.
- Evoks: Hungarian project by for discussing social issues.
- PAMI: The largest healthcare program for elderly people opens its technical decisions.
- Ukrainian Choice: Official deployment of DemocracyOS Ukraine.
Please see for further details.
See to get to know the DemocracyOS team and contributors.
- DemocracyOS official site. The project's official site.
- DemocracyOS official documentation site. The project's official site.
- DemocracyOS mailing list: questions about DemocracyOS exclusively. For bug reports or feature requests please use the project's Issues.
- DemocracyOS chat room.
- Democracia en Red: The
Net Democracy Foundation
official site.
We support real browsers and IE10+
Tag icons made by Yannick from licensed by Creative Commons BY 3.0.
DemocracyOS is open source software under the GPL v3.0 license. Please see full terms in the LICENSE.txt file.