Automatic setting for Leap api (quantum computing cloud environment) programming on Vagrant


This repository allow you to build Leap api (quantum computin cloud environment) programming automatically on Vagarnt. After building, the sample code is also downloaded, so you can try to compute quantom computing (aneealing) soon!!

This repository's environment building is accroding to D-Wave Ocean Software Documtentaion. You can skip Installing Ocean Tools,Python Vietual Environment and Install Ocean Software


you need set up Vagrant and Virtualbox before using this repository. The Vagrantfile in this repository boot Ubuntu16.04, so you need to know about it.

Default IP address on Vagrantfile is
Please change it if you need.


1. clone this repository

$ git clone
$ cd dwave_leap_vagrant

2. vagrant up

Execute vagrant up

$ vagrant up

Also start provisioning, so it may takes a while.

3. vagrant ssh

Execute vagrant ssh and access the virtual machine.

$ vagrant ssh

and please check if dwave is installed or not.

$ which dwave

if return nothing, you need to vagrant destory and vagrant up again.


You can use quantum aneealing computing now!
Learn how to use it by D-Wave Ocean Software Documtentaion.

How to execute sample codes

When your setup is done, some sample codes are automatically cloned at /home/vagrant/dwave_sample. Write how to excecute them below.

1. Create your D-Wave Leap account

Create your accout at D-Wave Leap.

2. Get API TOKEN and Solver API endpoint

After login, you can get API TOKEN and Solver API endpoint. Those two are required to use sample codes.

3. Configure a D-Wave System as a Solver

When executing dwave config create like below, interactive dialog is starging.

$ dwave config create
Configuration file not found; the default location is:
Confirm configuration file path (editable):
Profile (create new): prod
API endpoint URL (editable): <YOUR_API_ENDPOINT!!!!>
Authentication token (editable): <YOUR_API_TOKEN!!!!>
Client class (qpu or sw): qpu
Solver (can be left blank): My_DWAVE_2000Q
Proxy URL (can be left blank):
Configuration saved.

You need to put Solver API endpoint at API endpoint USL(editable) Authentication token (editable) at API TOKEN you get at leap mypage. qpu at Client class (qpu or sw) any name you want at Solver(can be left blank)

For the detail, please read Configuring a D-Wave System as a Solver

4. Edit and

Rename the file dwave_sample/config/ as dwave/sample/config/ edit the constant LEAP_API_TOKEN like below.


Additioinally, rename the file dwave_sample/config/ to dwave_sample/config/
Then edit the constant API_ENDPOINT and SOLVER_NAME like below.

SOLVER_NAME is the name you put when asked Solver(can be left blank) on dwave config create


5. Excecute sample code

Just execute sample python code like below.

$ python dwave_sample/sample/019vetex_cover/

In the sample directory, the name of direcoties and python files consist of 3 digits number and name of directory or file. The 3 digit number represents the referenced page of D-Wave Ocean Software Documentaion

So, please check the 3 digit number of the name and read the correspondent page of documentaion if you know about the codes.

For the detail, please read dwave_leap_programming_test