Welcome to ESE224 Final Project 👋

The user will be playing a Text-Based Adventure Game. They will have to go through 4 different floors and defeat the main boss of each to move forward.


👤 Noam Cicurel, Emily Zheng, and Ashley Marie Estrada

Main File

Here we have the main function that will have an infinite loop using a switch to see what the program will do. By default the switch is given a value so it can enter the main menu to start the game. Once there, the user has many choices to go through: Check the scoreboard, view the avg score. create a new game, load a new game or quit the game entirely. When creating a new game we have a password radomly generated for the player to use if they ever choose o return to their current game.

Player Class

When the player enters a new floor, a weapon list will be generated and it will update at each new floor. It's default stats are as follows: Max health-25, Current Health- 25, Attack damage-0, and Currency-0. It will have functions to print their weapons, to attack the enemy, to get and set their name, health attack, password, difficulty, score, currency, to buy a weapon, and to print all of the player's information.

Enemy Class

An enemy will appear at every floor, but there will also be smaller enemies the player can fight to gain extra currency or to complete side quests. A defualt enemy is as follows: Max health-10, Current Health- 10, Attack damage-1, and Currency-1. The class will also have functions that sets and gets an enemy's name, helath, damage, level, and currency, and to modify its health and damage.

Weapon Class

The player will have the option to purchase a weapon on each floor to help them defeat the main enemy of the floor. A default weapon is the player's fist and its attack damage is 5, and the price is 0. This file will get and set the weapon's amount, damage, cost, and name.

##ScoreNode Class

This class will keep track of the players score as they go through the game. This board will also keep track of all previous scores as well. This class will also set and get the players name and score, amnd have a function to print all of this to the user.

##File Operations Class

This class is quite simple seeing as it will only create a player file and save it when the player is done.