This little programs is (being) created for the company VRCafeHaarlem. It should be used to hibernate and wake from hibernate windows pc's. It will also be updated with the option to start run a simple mining command on every computer. This program can now be used to active miners on multiple laptops that are used in/as a mining configuration.


1: this program is made to be an executable on a windows system, turning on/off other windows pc's connected via LAN.

2: every pc needs to have psshutdown.exe installed, host and remotes.

3: every remote pc needs have the following registry change: you can also run these two scripts to fix all the registry things: REG ADD HKLM\SOFTWARE\MICROSOFT\WINDOWS\CURRENTVERSION\POLICIES\SYSTEM /v ENABLELUA /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f REG ADD HKLM\SOFTWARE\MICROSOFT\WINDOWS\CURRENTVERSION\POLICIES\SYSTEM /v LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f

4: every remote pc needs to be publicly accessible on the lan network it is connected to. So file sharing and printer sharing have to be turned on

5: every remote pc needs to have remote registry service turned ON:

6: every remote pc needs to have a username and password!

7: for remote pc note down the following: - networkname: usually looks something like DESKTOP-D4CU42G - the username - the password - the macadress (found using ipconfig) - in a next update the local ipadres would also be nice to save

8: add every value for every remote pc you want to a textfile called and save it to a directory. the default directory is c:/vr/ You can just change this in the code if you want.

9: add the file from step 2 (psshutdown.exe) to the same directory as step 8.

You should be all set. Compile the application, making sure you point to the correct directories as mentioned in step 8 and 9 If you filled all the remote pc properties in correctly, you will be able to shutdown every pc you added.