
Work-in-progress code to scrape and then parse contracting data from departments' Proactive Disclosure website.


  1. PHP 5.7+
  2. Composer, which can be downloaded from https://getcomposer.org/download/

Install instructions

  1. Clone the repository.
  2. In the folder, run composer to install the "Guzzle" dependency with, composer update

You're ready to go!

Scraping departments

The scrapers are located in contracts-scraper.php, which can be run with composer run-script scrape

By default, it will download 2 quarters and 2 contract files from each department that has a scraper function.

Parsing departments

Parsing data - to extract data from the HTML files downloaded with the scraper - are located in contracts-parser.php, which can be run with composer run-script parse


To keep track of which departments are scraped/parsed, check out this spreadsheet.