
Script for automatically fetching shows from RSS feeds

Primary LanguagePython


RSS autodownloader (for TorrentLeech)

This will work great for any system with wget installed as well as basic python3 (or 2) support. Could probably be customized for any kind of RSS feed and more specifically any torrent RSS feed. Provided TorrentLeech don't have any weird habits it should already be good for torrent RSS.

Regardless, I'm not going out of my way to really make this much better. Once it has interval support (only match items in a certain interval) it'll be done as far as I'm concerned.

2012-10-29: It turns out I (probably) won't implement interval support. After thinking about how to keep the state and how to use it I've come to the conclusion that it'll only bog things down in the end. It's not a necessary feature in that a well crafted reg. expression will take care of pretty much everything.