This repository contains the OpenApi generator(s), if you only want to use the client libraries, please follow one of the links bellow
Client Libraries
If your favorite language is not listed above, feel free to open an Issue or submit a PR !
Re-generating libraries
# You need Java JRE installed before running this
npm run generate
- ✅ Fully implemented
- 🟨 Partially implemented
- ⏳ Will be implemented soon
If the endpoint is not yet implemented, and dont have a ⏳, feel free to submit a PR, otherwise please check with us before to make sure we dont duplicate work.
Historical Prices, Splits and Dividends Data API
- ✅ Stock Price Data API (End-Of-Day Historical Data)
- ✅ Live (Delayed) Stock Prices API
- ⏳ Historical Splits, Dividends and Short Interest API
- ⏳ Technical Indicator API
- ⏳ Intraday Historical Data API
- Options Data API
Fundamental and Economic Financial Data API
Insider Transactions API
✅ Fundamental Data: Stocks, ETFs, Mutual Funds, Indices
- ✅ General
- ✅ Highlights
- ✅ Valuation
- ✅ SharesStats
- ✅ Technicals
- ✅ SplitsDividends
- NumberDividendsByYear
- ✅ AnalystRatings
- ✅ Holders
- Institutions
- Funds
- ✅ InsiderTransactions
- ✅ ESGScores
- ✅ outstandingShares
- ✅ Earnings
- History
- Trend
- Annual
- ✅ Financials
- Balance_Sheet
- Cash_Flow
- Income_Statement
⏳ Calendar. Upcoming Earnings, Trends, IPOs and Splits
Macroeconomics Data and Macro Indicators API
Economic Data API
Bonds Fundamentals and Historical API
Exchanges (Stock Market) Financial APIs
- ⏳ Bulk API for EOD, Splits and Dividends
- ✅ Exchanges API. Get List of Tickers
- ✅ Get List of Exchanges
- ✅ Get List of Tickers (Exchange Symbols)
- ⏳ Exchanges API. Trading Hours and Market Holidays
- ⏳ Get Exchange Details and Trading Hours
- ⏳ Market Holidays Data API
- ⏳ Financial News API
- Stock Market Screener API
- ✅ Search API for Stocks, ETFs, Mutual Funds and Indices
Available Data Feeds
- List of Supported Exchanges
- List of Supported CRYPTO Currencies
- List of Supported Futures/Commodities
- List of Supported Forex Currencies
- List of Supported Indices
User API
- User API