
Primary LanguageTypeScript


Docusystem is a framework agnostic js/ts library of tools that help to create efficient, local-first, collaborative web applications or to enhance an existing web application with optimistic updating and caching.


Web applications often need to communicate with a backend, but latency between network requests can have a noticeable impact on the user's experience.

Docusystem was created to make enhancing front-end UX easier in a few key ways:

  1. Docusystem handles caching and management of documents from a central source in your application.
  2. Docusystem handles eventual syncing of resources. Docusystem can keep track of changes to documents locally and trigger actions that you've pre-defined as well as receive updates from external sources (server or peers) and update the local state to match.

Docusystem borrows ideas from great works such as apollo/client, pouchdb, trpc, graphql etc., but tries hard not to enforce a specific framework or technology in particular. Instad Docusystem seeks to provide more-or-less drop-in enhancements to an existing stack.


  • Docucache - Cache and modify documents that come back from any source. This can be configured to serve as a source of truth or a source of subscriptions for other libraries.

  • Documerge (WIP) - This is Docucache combined with Automerge 2. A powerful combination useful for creating realtime collaboration in a peer-to-peer fashion as opposed to centralized, allowing for offline collaboration between multiple devices. Uses Conflict-Free Replicated Data Types (CRDT) to ensure that the state of two caches are eventually synchronized.

  • Doculine (WIP) - Detect (or manually set) when network connection is offline and create handlers for offline requests.

  • Docuworker (planned) - Perform network requests in a service worker so that they don't get cancelled by a user switching between pages


Docusystem is developed using typescript and Bun for workspace package management

First install bun.

Then in the root of the project, run

bun install

Most development is test-driven.

