
A cache system built on top of different reverse-proxy to cache data easily and save precious ms compatible with @traefik, @caddyserver, @nginx and @apache

Primary LanguageGo

Souin logo

Souin Table of Contents

  1. Souin reverse-proxy cache
  2. Configuration
    2.1. Required configuration
    2.2. Optional configuration
  3. APIs
    3.1. Souin API
    3.2. Security API
  4. Diagrams
    4.1. Sequence diagram
  5. Cache systems
  6. Examples
    6.1. Træfik container
  7. SSL
    7.1. Træfik
    7.2. Apache
    7.3. Nginx
  8. Plugins
    8.1. Caddy module
    8.2. Træfik plugin
    8.3. Prestashop plugin
    8.3. Wordpress plugin
  9. Credits

Travis CI

Souin logoouin reverse-proxy cache

Project description

Souin is a new cache system suitable for every reverse-proxy. It will be placed on top of your current reverse-proxy whether it's Apache, Nginx or Traefik.
Since it's written in go, it can be deployed on any server and thanks to the docker integration, it will be easy to install on top of a Swarm, or a kubernetes instance.
It's RFC compatible, supporting Vary, request coalescing and other specifications related to the RFC-7234.
It also supports the Cache-Status HTTP response header and the YKey group such as Varnish.


If you need redis or other custom cache providers, you have to use the fully-featured version. You can read the documentation, on the fully-featured branch to understand the specific parts.


The configuration file is stored at /anywhere/configuration.yml. You can supply your own as long as you use the minimal configuration below.

Required configuration

default_cache: # Required
  port: # Ports on which Souin will be exposed
    web: 80
    tls: 443
  ttl: 10s # Default TTL
reverse_proxy_url: 'http://traefik' # If it's in the same network you can use http://your-service, otherwise just use https://yourdomain.com

This is a fully working minimal configuration for a Souin instance

Key Description Value example
default_cache.port.{web,tls} The device's local HTTP/TLS port that Souin should be listening on Respectively 80 and 443
default_cache.ttl Duration to cache request (in seconds) 10
reverse_proxy_url The reverse-proxy's instance URL (Apache, Nginx, Træfik...) - http://yourservice (Container way)
http://localhost:81 (Local way)
http://yourdomain.com:81 (Network way)

Optional configuration

# /anywhere/configuration.yml
  basepath: /souin-api # Default route basepath for every additional APIs to avoid conflicts with existing routes
  security: # Secure your APIs
    secret: your_secret_key # JWT secret key
    enable: true # Required to enable the endpoints
    users: # Users declaration
      - username: user1
        password: test
  souin: # Souin listing keys and cache management
    security: true # Enable JWT Authentication token
    enable: true # Enable the endpoints
  distributed: true # Use Olric distributed storage
  headers: # Default headers concatenated in stored keys
    - Authorization
  olric: # If distributed is set to true, you'll have to define the olric section
    url: 'olric:3320' # Olric server
    exclude: 'ARegexHere' # Regex to exclude from cache
  ttl: 1000s # Default TTL
log_level: INFO # Logs verbosity [ DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, DPANIC, PANIC, FATAL ], case do not matter
ssl_providers: # The {providers}.json to use
  - traefik
  'https:\/\/domain.com\/first-.+': # First regex route configuration
    ttl: 1000s # Override default TTL
  'https:\/\/domain.com\/second-route': # Second regex route configuration
    ttl: 10s # Override default TTL
    headers: # Override default headers
    - Authorization
  'https?:\/\/mysubdomain\.domain\.com': # Third regex route configuration
    ttl: 50s # Override default TTL
    headers: # Override default headers
    - Authorization
    - 'Content-Type'
      Content-Type: '.+'
    url: 'the/second/.+'
Key Description Value example
api.basepath BasePath for all APIs to avoid conflicts /your-non-conflicting-route

(default: /souin-api)
api.{api}.enable Enable the new API with related routes true

(default: false)
api.security.secret JWT secret key Any_charCanW0rk123
api.security.users Array of authorized users with username x password combo - username: admin

password: admin
api.souin.security Enable JWT validation to access the resource true

(default: false)
default_cache.headers List of headers to include to the cache - Authorization

- Content-Type

- X-Additional-Header
default_cache.regex.exclude The regex used to prevent paths being cached ^[A-z]+.*$
log_level The log level One of DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, DPANIC, PANIC, FATAL it's case insensitive
ssl_providers List of your providers handling certificates - traefik

- nginx

- apache
urls.{your url or regex} List of your custom configuration depending each URL or regex 'https://yourdomain.com'
urls.{your url or regex}.ttl Override the default TTL if defined 99999
urls.{your url or regex}.headers Override the default headers if defined - Authorization

- 'Content-Type'
ykeys.{key name}.headers Headers that should match to be part of the ykey group Authorization: ey.+

Content-Type: json
ykeys.{key name}.headers.{header name} Header name that should be present a match the regex to be part of the ykey group Content-Type: json
ykeys.{key name}.url Url that should match to be part of the ykey group .+


All endpoints are accessible through the api.basepath configuration line or by default through /souin-api to avoid named route conflicts. Be sure to define an unused route to not break your existing application.

Souin API

Souin API allow users to manage the cache.
The base path for the souin API is /souin.

Method Endpoint Description
GET / List stored keys cache
PURGE /{id or regexp} Purge selected item(s) depending. The parameter can be either a specific key or a regexp
PURGE ?ykey={key} Purge selected item(s) corresponding to the target ykey such as Varnish

Security API

Security API allows users to protect other APIs with JWT authentication.
The base path for the security API is /authentication.

Method Endpoint Body Headers Description
POST /login {"username":"admin", "password":"admin"} ['Content-Type' => 'json'] Try to login, it returns a response which contains the cookie name souin-authorization-token with the JWT if succeed
POST /refresh - ['Content-Type' => 'json', 'Cookie' => 'souin-authorization-token=the-token'] Refreshes the token, replaces the old with a new one


Sequence diagram

See the sequence diagram for the minimal version below Sequence diagram

Cache systems

Supported providers

The cache system sits on top of three providers at the moment. It provides an in-memory, redis and Olric cache systems because setting, getting, updating and deleting keys in these providers is as easy as it gets.
In order to do that, Redis and Olric providers need to be either on the same network as the Souin instance when using docker-compose or over the internet, then it will use by default in-memory to avoid network latency as much as possible. Souin will return at first the in-memory response when it gives a non-empty response, then the olric one followed by the redis one with same condition, or fallback to the reverse proxy otherwise. Since 1.4.2, Souin supports Olric to handle distributed cache.

Cache invalidation

The cache invalidation is built for CRUD requests, if you're doing a GET HTTP request, it will serve the cached response when it exists, otherwise the reverse-proxy response will be served.
If you're doing a POST, PUT, PATCH or DELETE HTTP request, the related cache GET request, and the list endpoint will be dropped.
It also supports invalidation via Souin API to invalidate the cache programmatically.


Træfik container

Træfik is a modern reverse-proxy which helps you to manage full container architecture projects.

# your-traefik-instance/docker-compose.yml
version: '3.4'

x-networks: &networks
    - your_network

    image: traefik:v2.0
    command: --providers.docker
      - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
      - /anywhere/traefik.json:/acme.json
    <<: *networks

  # your other services here...

    external: true
# your-souin-instance/docker-compose.yml
version: '3.4'

x-networks: &networks
    - your_network

    image: darkweak/souin:latest
      - 80:80
      - 443:443
      GOPATH: /app
      - /anywhere/traefik.json:/ssl/traefik.json
      - /anywhere/configuration.yml:/configuration/configuration.yml
    <<: *networks

    external: true



As Souin is compatible with Træfik, it can use (and it should use) traefik.json provided on træfik. Souin will get new/updated certs from Træfik, so your SSL certificates will be up to date as long as the Træfik ones are. To provide acme, you just have to map the volume as below

      - /anywhere/traefik.json:/ssl/traefik.json


Souin will listen to the apache.json file. You have to setup your own way to aggregate your SSL cert files and keys. Alternatively you can use a side project called dob, it's also open-source and written in go

      - /anywhere/apache.json:/ssl/apache.json


Souin will listen to the nginx.json file. You have to setup your own way to aggregate your SSL cert files and keys. Alternatively you can use a side project called dob, it's also open-source and written in go

      - /anywhere/nginx.json:/ssl/nginx.json

At the moment you can't choose the path for the *.json file in the container, they have to be placed in the /ssl folder. In the future you'll be able to do that by setting one env var If no *.json file is provided to container, a default cert will be served.


Caddy module

You just have to refer to the Caddy module integration folder to discover how to configure it.
The related Caddyfile can be found here.
Then you just have to run the following command:

xcaddy build --with github.com/Darkweak/Souin/plugins/caddy

Alternatively, you can go to the xcaddy builder website to build your caddy instance easily.

Træfik plugin

Currenly not available because Træfik uses Yaegi to analyse the plugin, which prevents the usage of unsafe libraries unless you're a developper. An example can be found here nonetheless.

Prestashop plugin

A repository called prestashop-souin has been started by lucmichalski. You can manage your Souin instance through the admin panel UI.

Wordpress plugin

A repository called wordpress-souin to be able to manage your Souin instance through the admin panel UI.


Thanks to these users for contributing or helping this project in any way