This is a template to demonstrate how to setup a ReactJS frontend with a ReactJS frontend. The intention is to allow users to fork this repo or use from a template, along with the Rails template, configure it and use it to their liking.
- ReactJS (
- React Router Dom (
- Axios (
- React Toastify (
- Dorenv (
To create a new repository from this template:
- Navigate to the template repository on GitHub.
- Click the "Use this template" button.
- Choose the owner, name, description, and visibility for your new repository.
- Click "Create repository from template."
To fork the repository (which is slightly different from using it as a template):
- Navigate to the original repository on GitHub.
- Click the "Fork" button in the top right corner.
- Choose the account where you want to fork the repository.
After forking or creating a new repository from the template, you can rename and customize it:
Clone the forked or new repository to your local machine. Make your changes, rename files, customize code, etc. Commit and push these changes back to GitHub.
$ git commit -am "Customizing template"
$ git push origin master
Be sure to fork the Rails backend template related to the repo
Remember to update environment-specific settings (like database configuration) for each new project you create from the template.
- Install all the dependencies
$ npm install
- Start the application
$ npm start