
A Twitter clone with Ruby

Primary LanguageRuby

Project Name


User Stories

  • As a user, I want to visit the home page and see a feed of tweets.
  • As a user, I would like to be able to add a new tweet and see it displayed.
  • As a user, so I can remove a tweet, I would like to delete a tweet.
  • As a user, if I change my mind, I would like to update a tweet.
  • Extract a database object and refactor.
  • As a user, if I have something to say about a tweet, I would like to be able to comment on it.

Install Databases

  • Follow the db migration instructions in their order.

Technologies / Dependencies


  • Ruby
  • Sinatra
  • Rspec
  • SQLite3

Front End

  • React
  • CSS



  • Clone this repo

  • Make sure that you have 2 terminals open.

  • Change directory into the first directory

  • Follow the database installation instructions

  • Run bundle install to install all the necessary gems

  • Run rackup to start the Ruby server. Likely to be localhost:9292

  • In the second terminal, change directory into the React folder

  • Run npm install

  • Run npm start to the start the React server. Likely localhost:3000

  • You will need to either create an account on GNews or another news feed provider.

  • Once you have created an account, create a .env file in the root derectory and make sure the variable name for the API_KEY.

  • You may also have to change the SERVER_SIDE varibale details once you connect the server.