
Primary LanguageGo

Nomics API


Set your NOMIC_API_KEY environment variable:

export NOMIC_API_KEY="xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
Weekly Coin Prices

Collect the weekly coin prices for current year:

make run

This will send a get request to the sparkline endpoint through the Nomics API

We will transform that data with the transform.go script.

The result will be in a file called [currency]-prices.json. All prices can be found in coin-prices.json. They have also been exported to csv as well!

It should look like this:



Json Payload: Instead of sending json payload I just pass a query string.

The keys and values of the query string:

start=2020-01-01T00%3A00%3A00Z (first day of the year)
end=2020-10-28T00%3A00%3A00Z (current date)

I send this as a curl GET request

curl -s -o price-data.json -XGET "https://api.nomics.com/v1/currencies/sparkline?key=${NOMIC_API_KEY}&ids=BTC,ETH,XRP&start=${startDate}&end=${stopDate}

The data is stored in a file called price-data.json

It is then transformed to the final form by transform.go and is stored in BTC-prices.json and BTC-prices.csv. This row-like format should be ingestible by BI Tools.

Small example of graphing this data using Google Data Studio: https://datastudio.google.com/reporting/8974ac4c-0b37-4794-8199-f63c3e9ce045

The above example pulls data from my Google Cloud Storage bucket.

Follow up questions

If you were to automate an ETL pipeline for this data into a Business Analytics Tool for non-technical user consumption on an on-going basis, how would you do that?

If I were to automate this ETL job, with it being a very small job, I would probably set up a google cloud function to run weekly and update the data in a google cloud storage bucket. I'd then also create another cloud function to transform the data like the transform.go file does in this repository. I would then pull from that into the Google Data Studio (GDS) page above. To the user their data is always availiable in the GDS document.

Diagram of data flow:

ETL Diagram