
A demo of a NPM windows bug when executing binaries via a wrapper

Primary LanguageShell

Steps to reproduce

  • git clone git@github.com:GoalSmashers/npm-windows-wrapper-bug.git
  • cd npm-windows-wrapper-bug
  • npm install
  • demo.bat

Expected behavior

  • Files 1.min.css and 2.min.css are created.

Actual behavior

  • Only the first file is created as demo.bat exits right after executing the first command (see demo.bat source).

Example of right behavior

  • works.bat

It creates both files but clean-css is called directly, not through the cleancss.cmd wrapper in .\node_modules\.bin\

Affected versions

  • node.js 0.8.x, 0.10.x, tested on NPM 1.2.14 on Windows 7