1999 Questions Classifier

1. Web Crawling:

  1. QAHsinchu.ipynb
    • frequent Q&A of Social Affairs Department of Hsinchu City (新竹市政府社會處便民服務常見問答集)
    • As training data
    • source from
  2. QATaipei.ipynb
    • frequent Q&A of Social Affairs Department of Taipei City (台北市政府社會處便民服務常見問答集)
    • As testing data
    • source from

2. Model Training:

  1. QAProcess.ipynb

3. Power Point:

  1. 1999QuestionClassifier (in chinese)

4. Line Bot Server

  1. Django Server Repo

  2. Power Point

  3. Demo demo

  4. Line Bot


Notice: If you down't get the response after sending message, wait 1 min, and send it again. Because the server is free, once no requests send to it for about 5 min, the server will shut down. And it cost about 1 min to set up again.