
Primary LanguageGo

Postback Mini-Project

Kochava Miniproject :: "Postback Delivery"

  1. Provision provided linux server (see Resources - Server) with software stack required to complete project.
  2. Change default redis port immediately on startup
  3. Build a php application to ingest http requests, and a go application to deliver http responses. Use Redis to host a job queue between them.
  4. Reach out to (Resources - Contact) once your project is ready to demo, or if you encounter a block during development. Pursue independent troubleshooting prior to escalating questions with contact resource.
  5. Maintain development notes, provide support documentation, and commit your project (application code / stack config) to Github.
Extra Merit:
  • Clean, descriptive VCS commit history.
  • Clean, easy-to-follow support documentation for an engineer attempting to troubleshoot your system.
  • All services should be configured to run automatically, and service should remain functional after system restarts.
  • High availability infrastructure considerations.
  • Data integrity considerations, including safe shutdown.
  • Modular code design.
  • Configurable default value for unmatched url {key}s.
  • Performance of system under external load.
  • Performance of system with single request in infinite loop.
  • Minimal bandwidth utilization between ingestion and delivery servers.
  • Configurable response delivery retry attempts.
  • Ingestion endpoint functional at /i in addition to /ingest.php.
  • Data validation / error handling.
  • Ability to deliver POST (as well as GET) responses.
  • Service monitoring / application profiling.
  • Delivery volume / success / failure visualizations.
  • Internal benchmarking tool.
Data flow:
  1. Web request (see sample request) >
  2. "Ingestion Agent" (php) >
  3. "Delivery Queue" (redis)
  4. "Delivery Agent" (go) >
  5. Web response (see sample response)
App Operation - Ingestion Agent (PHP):
  1. Accept incoming http request
  2. Push a "postback" object to Redis for each "data" object contained in accepted request.
App Operation - Delivery Agent (GO):
  1. Continuously pull "postback" objects from Redis
  2. Deliver each postback object to http endpoint:
  3. Endpoint method: request.endpoint.method.
  4. Endpoint url: request.endpoint.url, with {xxx} replaced with values from each request.endpoint.data.xxx element.
  5. Log delivery time, response code, response time, and response body.
Sample Request





Sample Response: http://sample_domain_endpoint.com/data?key=Phyllobates&value=Terribilis&foo=