
A mobile wallet where you own the keys, using TypeScript, JavaScript, and React Native

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0

ARMSVault - A mobile, native 2ACoin ARMS wallet

Screenshot Screenshot

Release - Android

This release of 2ACoin ARMSVault is built for the Android mobile platform.

Check the 2ACoin ARMSVault Releases page for the latest release.

Release - IOS

This release of 2ACoin ARMSVault has the build for the IOS release (see developer section).

Installation Instructions


To install 2ACoin ARMSVault onto your Android device the best option is to utilize the Google PlayStore Google PlayStore - ARMSVault from there you can easily download and install the latest version.

If you have an unlocked Android device, you can download the latest ARMSVault version APK and install it to your device.

IOS Device

To install 2ACoin ARMSVault onto your IOS device the best option is to utilize the Apple App Store Apple App Store - ARMSVault from there you can easily download and install the latest version.

Developers Only

If you are a developer, and you are looking to fork 2ACoin ARMSVault, follow these instructions.

Initial Setup

Perform the initial installation of the development components

  1. run a git clone to get the latest code
    git clone https://github.com/2acoin/2acoin-mobile-wallet.git 2acoin-mobile-wallet

  2. then change to the cloned folder
    cd 2acoin-mobile-wallet

  3. Create a sentry.properties file in the project root folder

  4. Populate it with text below (Please replace the values with your valid values)

     url = https://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx@xxxxxxx.ingest.sentry.io/xxxxxxx
     org = sentry-test
     project = react-native
     token = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  5. Run yarn install to install the required packages

  6. Run the Sentry Wizard
    yarn sentry-wizard -i reactNative -p ios android

Running natively on your Android device

Follow this guide.

Building and Running ARMSVault

Utilizing SCREEN or your favorite session manager. Create 2 sessions
Session 1
node --max-old-space-size=8192 node_modules/react-native/local-cli/cli.js start
(Just need to run this once to start the server, leave it running)

Session 2
react-native run-android
(this will build the app)

Logging Device Logs to Computer

To log your device logs to your computer you can build and run ARMSVault with the following.
react-native log-android

Creating an ARMSVault Release

You need to bump the version number in:

  • src/Config.js - appVersion
  • android/app/build.gradle - versionCode and versionName
  • package.json - version - Not strictly required
  • Update user agent in android/app/src/main/java/com/armsvault/MainApplication.java and android/app/src/main/java/com/armsvault/TurtleCoinModule.java

Then cd android ./gradlew bundleRelease Optionally ./gradlew installRelease

or yarn deploy-android

Building an APK

Follow this guide.

Once you have finished, compile the APK:

yarn build-android

Install the APK on your device:

yarn deploy-android

If it all works, you can then upload to the play store.

Note that you need to close the emulator to get the yarn deploy-android to install on your mobile.

Building and Running ARMSVault for IOS

  1. cd into ios folder and run pod install
  2. Finally open ios/app_name.xcworkspace in xCode and then build

Integrating QR Codes or URIs

ArmsVault supports two kinds of QR codes.

  • Standard addresses / integrated addresses - This is simply the address encoded as a QR code.

  • 2acoin:// URI encoded as a QR code.

Your uri must begin with 2acoin:// followed by the address to send to, for example, 2acoin://gunsHpae2kTGe64sLSDwcYNzkBS9gcarqVuoSsmXWSrxFsjsphE9UXCDnRaJ4cFn73LaL4wMQrvNeKNYWTvbucqR8wwsuK6fRU

There are a few optional parameters.

  • name - This is used to add you to the users address book, and identify you on the 'Confirm' screen. A name can contain spaces, and should be URI encoded.
  • amount - This is the amount to send you. This should be specified in atomic units.
  • paymentid - If not using integrated address, you can specify a payment ID. Specifying an integrated address and a payment ID is illegal.

An example of a URI containing all of the above parameters:


This would send 2 ARMS (200000000 in atomic units) to the address gunsHpae2kTGe64sLSDwcYNzkBS9gcarqVuoSsmXWSrxFsjsphE9UXCDnRaJ4cFn73LaL4wMQrvNeKNYWTvbucqR8wwsuK6fRU, using the name Starbucks Coffee (Note the URI encoding), and using a payment ID of f13adc8ac78eb22ffcee3f82e0e9ffb251dc7dc0600ef599087a89b623ca1402

You can also just display the URI as a hyperlink. If a user clicks the link, it will open the app, and jump to the confirm screen, just as a QR code would function. (Provided all the fields are given) <<<<<<< HEAD


Start by cloning the latest tagged release. If it's not in a release, it has not been fully tested, and may have bugs.

Modifying icon

Replace assets/img/icon.png with your icon image. Make sure it is 1024x1024.

Run npm install -g yo generator-rn-toolbox (You may need to run this with sudo)

Run yo rn-toolbox:assets --icon assets/img/icon.png --force

When it asks for the name of your react-native project, enter TonChan

Renaming app

There is a tool that does this, react-native-rename. However, the native code, (android/app/src/main/jni/TurtleCoin.cpp) needs the name of the class to find the Java/C++ interface.

If you use this tool, you will probably need to update that code.

Run npm install -g react-native-rename (You may need to run this with sudo)

Run react-native-rename your-new-project-name from this directory. (Obviously, replace with the desired name)

This might confuse the build system. You probably should do this before installing.

Building an APK

You will need to set up your signing key, and keystore file. See https://facebook.github.io/react-native/docs/signed-apk-android.html#generating-a-signing-key


Edit src/Config.js. The fields should be self explanatory. Make sure to recompile.


Sentry is a tool to report crashes in the application. Please configure this, or disable it, so we do not get reported errors for your application.

Remove the two files android/sentry.properties and ios/sentry.properties, and then run react-native link.

This will run the sentry setup wizard, to setup error reporting for your app.

Then, copy the line of code Sentry.config('https://8ecf138e1d1e4d558178be3f2b5e1925@sentry.io/1411753').install(); that is shown on the configuration page, and replace with our line in src/Sentry.js.

Your API key will be different, don't just copy the one here.

Finally, replace Config.coinName === '2ACoin' in src/Sentry.js with the coin name defined in the config.

Once you've done that, you can test sentry is working by adding something like throw new Error('Hello, sentry'); in the mainscreen constructor.