cp .env.example .env edit .env with your variables


MakerDAO contracts

  • abaci — price decrease function for auctions
  • clip — liquidation 2.0 mechanics
  • dog — starts auctions
  • join — ERC20 token adapters
  • jug — stability fee collector
  • spot — oracle price fetch
  • usb — stable coin
  • vat — core cdp vault
  • vow — vault balance sheet. Keeps track of surplus&debt

Rewards contracts

  • HelioRewards — rewards distribution module
  • HelioToken — rewards token
  • HelioOracle - rewards token oracle


  • CerosRouter — finds the best way to obtain aBNBc.
  • CeToken — underlying collateral token inside makerDao
  • CeVault — stores obtained aBNBc
  • HelioProvider — wraps BNB into ceABNBc via CerosRouter


  • Interaction — proxy for makerDao contracts. Provide deposit&withdraw and borrow&payback functions for end users
  • AuctionProxy — entrypoint for auction methods. End users can start auctions and participate in it via this contract