- 4
Failure to build with gfortran 14.x?
#466 opened by d7919 - 0
Python 3.12+ SyntaxWarning
#467 opened by d7919 - 9
4.10.0 fails to build with NVHPC compiler
#476 opened by cponder - 4
Fails to build with cmake>=3.27 + Ninja
#461 opened by MehdiChinoune - 7
compiler error: v1 and v2 getting mixed together?
#463 opened by cferenba - 2
imp is deprecated
#469 opened by sanguinariojoe - 3
- 8
pFUnit silently fails on Actions
#423 opened by n-claes - 1
Remove outdated documentation
#450 opened by MatthewHambley - 6
Missing implementation of assertIsFinite_real80 in src/funit/asserts/AssertBasic.F90
#452 opened by sscalpone - 4
- 2
Typo in release v4.7.4
#443 opened by foeroyingur - 0
Intel LLVM 2023.2.x msan issue
#436 opened by AlexanderRichert-NOAA - 1
bug in ctest macro
#435 opened by tclune - 3
MAX_LEN_REAL_AS_STRING is a little too small
#428 opened by d7919 - 2
- 5
Memory leak when using the @disable macro
#419 opened by danielhollas - 3
CMake error when "-- Performing Test _LOGICAL_DEFAULT_KIND" during setup; missing ./cmake/Trial_sources directory under ./extern/fArgParse/extern/gFTL-shared/extern/gFTL
#422 opened by agel1 - 3
Feature Request: @assertEquals for string arrays
#381 opened by jphill4 - 14
Error when configuring using pFUnit
#378 opened by nuclearfusionreactor - 0
Incorrect CMake logic for MPIEXEC
#409 opened by tclune - 4
Error in opening compiled module files
#407 opened by aaruni96 - 9
compiling on NAS
#383 opened by chesswright - 0
Fortran compilation error
#406 opened by abdelhamidHk - 11
Error installing pFUnit on WSL(Ubuntu-20.04.5)
#382 opened by rholden813 - 3
Feature Request: Misnamed Test Module Diagnostic
#379 opened by jphill4 - 3
- 4
- 5
- 3
Rebuild issue with Intel fortran and -warn all
#373 opened by mennodeij - 3
pFUnit installation not relocatable
#371 opened by mennodeij - 2
Using MAX_PES as a variable for NPES
#375 opened by nasa-ceporter - 1
xml output to file
#372 opened by mennodeij - 2
Confusing ENABLE_MPI_F08 usage
#366 opened by nasa-ceporter - 3
- 2
Segfault with nvfortran
#363 opened by havogt - 3
Clarify status of documentation and examples
#361 opened by tlestang - 1
Build fails when Real128 not available
#338 opened by jacobmerson - 9
@assertNotEqual not working for integers
#353 opened by danielhollas - 2
make install gives an error during "Linking Fortran static library libfunit.a"
#343 opened by etempel - 17
Need a file cmake/NVHPC.cmake
#337 opened by cponder - 1
Remove -Mchkfpstk flag from cmake/NVHPC.cmake
#339 opened by cponder - 2
support Intel ifx compiler (IntelLLVM)
#336 opened by bd4 - 0
Fixtures in separate modules do not link
#335 opened by hr87 - 10
FC=caf build fails
#333 opened by jphaupt - 0
Update subrepos
#329 opened by tclune - 8
MPI test compiling/linking issues
#323 opened by SMijin - 9
Read external data for test and extensions
#324 opened by williammora1984 - 3
Linking error in simple test project
#327 opened by Forsti5 - 6
pFUnit build with openMPI, but mpi-tests all fail
#322 opened by micric