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G-i18n introduction

Many projects have to add support of i18n (internationalization) at some stage. There are multiple ways how engineers manage translations from implementation point of view and in most of the case it's quite complicated setup and process as such.

Core concept

The G-i18n project proposes simple-to-set-up and easy-to-use approach to address the i18n need for any type of project - e.g web application, mobile app or desktop program.

It bases its ideas on very well known GoogleSheets and REST API:

  • In GoogleSheet we keep translations as key-value pairs and may control access to this file for all collaborators (developers, translators, POs etc.) via embedded mechanisms of GoogleSheets - thus we don't have to spend any time on building UI to provide restricted access to tranlation lookups.

  • REST API gives access to those key-value pairs, taking responsibility for parsing your GoogleSheets, caching data, implementing some fallback solutions. This simplifies integration into any type of application.

Sample data

This proof of concept uses the following GoogleSheets document as the source: Translations POC.

Each tab represents a namespace (e.g. a page of the website), and expected to contain translations to different languages as columns in the following format:

Key language-1 language-2 ...
label1.id language-1 translation language-2 translation ...
label2.id language-1 translation language-2 translation ...

For example:

ID en-US en-GB
color.gray Color: gray Colour: grey
word.flavor Flavor Flavour
word.analyze Analyze Analyse

Getting Started


  • .NET 5.0 SDK to build the G-i18n tool (namely REST API)
  • Google developer account to run the app against Google Sheets
  • "docker" if you want to build a docker image and run it within docker container

Quick Start

In order to run the G-i18n project a few simple steps are required.

  1. Create a google service account following authenticating as a service account manual

  2. Download the service account credentials file (e.g. credentials.json), which should look like the following:

        "type": "service_account",
        "project_id": ####,
        "private_key_id": ####,
        "client_email": ####,
        "client_id": ####,
        "auth_uri": "####,
        "token_uri": ####,
        "auth_provider_x509_cert_url": ####,
        "client_x509_cert_url": ####
  1. Update appropriate launch options' (which you're prefer to run) environment variables to use the service account credentials, e.g. if you use IIS Express option - update the following in GoogleSheetI18n.Api\Properties\launchSettings.json:
    "IIS Express": {
        "environmentVariables": {
            "GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS": "c:\\Downloads\\credentials.json"
  1. Build the API and run it. There are no special dependencies or caveats so just restore Nuget packages before the build, and you should be fine.

Docker support

Pull and run

You may want to just pull and run a Docker image. To achieve that run the following commangs:

docker pull docker pull godeltech/googlesheeti18n:3661

*where 3661 is the desired tag at Docker Hub

docker run -i -e LOCAL_STORE_PATH="local-store" -e SPREADSHEET_ID="156UC1_Y2mwhGfY7Y-8RDiNM75eavFwzxBFNP9emNTzc" -e GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS_AS_JSON=’{ "type": "service_account", ... }’ -e ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT="Development" -p 8080:80 godeltech/googlesheeti18n:3661

*where GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS_AS_JSON's value is your personal full Google Application Credentials JSON (escaped, e.g. with double quotes " look like \")

Build and run

Alternatively, you may want to build the docker image of the tool locally instead. To do that you will need a few commands mentioned below:

docker build .

docker run -i -e LOCAL_STORE_PATH="local-store" -e SPREADSHEET_ID="156UC1_Y2mwhGfY7Y-8RDiNM75eavFwzxBFNP9emNTzc" -e GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS_AS_JSON=’{ "type": "service_account", ... }’ -e ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT="Development" -p 8080:80

Sample Web client

  1. Restore npm packages in samples\WebClient by running npm install

  2. Start the client by running npm start in the same folder. It will host and run the application in development mode at http://localhost:3000.

  3. Or use docker-compose

docker-compose up

Production use notes

There are a few thing you should know before you start.

We fetch all the options from GoogleSheetI18n\src\GoogleSheetI18n.Api\appsettings.json, GoogleSheetI18n.Api\Properties\launchSettings.json files and/or environment variables

We use Google Sheets as a storage, so we expect a valid Google Sheet ID in either:

  • SpreadsheetId value in appsettings.json; OR
  • SPREADSHEET_ID environment variable.

We use Google cloud (service) credentials for accessing Google Sheets, so we expect them to be provided to the app. There are a few options:

  • Via setting path to file with credentials to GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment variable; OR
  • Via setting credentials encoded json into GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS_AS_JSON environment variable; OR
  • Via setting path to file with credentails to CredentialsFilePath variable in appsettings.json.

We currently use local file system for backups (local cache) as the only option, so let us know the folder via either:

  • LocalStoreFolderPath value in appsettings.json; OR
  • BACKUP_FOLDER_PATH environment variable.

Special thanks to contributors