- Create
file in project root directory and add row:
- Use local for ENV_FOR_DYNACONF if you want to run migrations and populate local database
- Use docker for ENV_FOR_DYNACONF if your database is running in a docker container
- Our tests are running inside PostgresContainer. You need to switch ENV_FOR_DYNACONF to test in order to execute tests.
We have docker-compose.dev.yml and docker-compose.yml where the first one will run postgresql, pgadmin and redis. And the docker-compose.yml will create a separate network and run postgresql, pgadmin, redis and app all together. If you want to spin up all services, first you need to switch to DockerAppSettings In src/config/setup.py make: app_env = DockerAppSettings().app_env And run the following command
- docker-compose -f ./docker-compose.yml up
You may run another command in a second terminal to execute tests with the following command
- docker exec -it identity-server-poc_app_1 sh -c "pytest -ra -cov tests"
Or run the following command to run just postgresql, pgadmin, and redis services
- docker-compose -f ./docker-compose.dev.yml up
Install poetry (bash: "pip install poetry")
- poetry install
- poetry shell
- uvicorn src.main:app --reload
- Add to the pyproject.toml this:
[tool.pytest.ini_options] pythonpath = [ ".", "src", ]
- Create file "pytest.ini" and add to it this:
[pytest] pythonpath = . src
- Run tests with "poetry run pytest""
Add to your .vscode/settings.json file your paths to Virtualenv folder and to the python. To get this paths use "poetry env info".
Example (add your versions to .vscode/settings.json): "python.pythonPath": "/home/danya/.cache/pypoetry/virtualenvs/identity-server-poc-hY52nw-1-py3.10", "python.defaultInterpreterPath": "/home/danya/.cache/pypoetry/virtualenvs/identity-server-poc-hY52nw-1-py3.10/bin/python",
login: admin@example.com, password: admin .After logging create your personal accaunt.
After relogging:right click "Server" -> "Register" ->"Server".
Host name/adress: (or your own adress)
- upgrade: "alembic upgrade heads"
- change: "alembic revision --autogenerate -m "[Your comment]" "
- worker: "celery -A src.celery_logic.celery_main worker --loglevel=info"
- beat: "celery -A src.celery_logic.celery_main beat --loglevel=info"
- PostgreSQL admin: http://localhost/login?next=%2Fbrowser%2F
- test11