
Improve pipeline creation UI

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Bound with #38

When a new pipeline is added, it's created without any Systems in it, so the developer has to populate it before even be able to use it.

To improve it, a solution would be pre populate the pipeline, so the developer can immediately use it.

In addition to this the WorldECS could come with the pipelines already setup: this would reduce beginners entry cost, and improve usability.


  • Add WorldECS warning to better guide the user. #191
  • Make the WorldECS ready to use by default. #191
  • Add editor to show the pipeline composed by the PipelineBuilder. #186
  • The pipeline view must show the pipeline dispatcher #194
  • Show the PipelineBuilder warning messages on the WorldECS node #192
  • Show the PipelineBuilder warning messages on the editor world ecs #192

@Adevald proposed the following UI design, to improve the ecs UI:

Left side we have the pipeline composition, where we can add SystemBundles and Systems. Right side we have the godex compiled pipeline, with the various created stages.