Pinned issues
- 2
Demo project keeps reimporting after gaining focus
#701 opened by Iakobs - 5
- 2
Expected behavior for direct movement in WebXR?
#700 opened by msub2 - 2
- 0
- 0
Interactable handle not changing the hand pose
#703 opened by LeandroSQ - 0
- 1
Convention not respected
#697 opened by BrokAnkle - 1
Can't move while jumping
#694 opened by DaryeDev - 0
Return-to-snap-zone activates in editor
#693 opened by Malcolmnixon - 2
- 6
How to add new hand poses?
#688 opened by LeandroSQ - 2
- 6
- 1
mrtk style ui tools
#681 opened by peterclemenko - 2
OpenXRCompositionLayer not working with staging
#680 opened by arassec - 2
hand interaction scaling
#682 opened by peterclemenko - 2
Godot 4.3: Vignette unusable
#668 opened by ToxicCrack - 1
Viewport2Din3D documentation has incorrect statement about how to use nested scene
#672 opened by Meorge - 3
Documentation search bar doesn't search
#671 opened by Meorge - 3
[Feature] Integrating Godot 4.3 Motion Matching for Humanoid Orientation Prediction
#674 opened by GeorgeS2019 - 1
Unexpected rotation applied on teleport
#676 opened by vigneshiamvk - 2
- 2
Demo plugins instructions in Readme is out of date
#663 opened by piotr-j - 3
Feature Request: Flexible Grab Points
#616 opened by reuse898 - 0
XRToolsPointerEvent doesn't appear to be documented?
#670 opened by Meorge - 0
Desktop Support: null error when getting tracker
#667 opened by pietru2004 - 0
XRToolsInteractableAreaButton animation ignore node process mode and is always pausable
#657 opened by GaelFG-Anderon - 3
- 0
- 2
Jolt physics brakes climbing
#632 opened by Lewis-glasgow - 1
New, incorrect behavior of Viewport2Din3D. XR-Tools 4.3.2, Godot 4.3.beta1
#646 opened by Eisenspalter - 1
Hand Pose Animations are not show when climbing
#611 opened by alainsimonet - 0
Ground-control prevents jumping over walls
#642 opened by Malcolmnixon - 0
Incorrect slope behavior
#639 opened by BastiaanOlij - 0
- 2
Mac M1 / Quest 3 - OpenXR was requested but failed to start - Godot will start in normal mode
#636 opened by JeffGillin - 1
- 2
grab points don't work when a pickable object is a parent of another pickable object
#617 opened by Lewis-glasgow - 1
- 0
- 0
- 0
Viewport_2d_in_3d mouse_entered and mouse_exited events not working reliably
#623 opened by Alessioforlante - 0
- 0
PlayerBody Collisions not setup by default
#620 opened by BrokAnkle - 2
button_pressed and button_released signals of InteractableAreaButton always generate errors
#618 opened by BrokAnkle - 1
- 1
- 0
Player intended velocity needs to be exposed
#612 opened by Malcolmnixon - 2