

Primary LanguageHTML

Welcome! 👋

Thanks for checking this project out

To do this challenge, you need a basic understanding of HTML and CSS.

Where to find everything

Be creative on implementing yours with the images inside the week3 branch. Figure out a template for mobile view

The designs are in JPG static format. Using JPGs will mean that you'll need to use your best judgment for styles such as font-size, padding and margin.

You will find all the required assets in the /img folder.

Deploying your project

You can deploy your project on GitHub Pages


Always open to feedbacks.

Check out the hosted page for week3 on portfolio

Also check out the hosted page for week3-b on form

Week3 is for a simple static portfoli page

Build a simple HTML & CSS-driven website with a few linked pages and styled content.

How to do it:

Create a simple portfolio website with the following information: about me section, contact page, services section, project, Using HTML semantics, you should have a header, main, and footer tag.

Add a navigation menu at the top of the home page. You should use inline linking to the sections on the home page and make the other pages, like contact us, open up a new page.

The following should be included in your portfolio:

Your name A paragraph about yourself Projects (everything you have done, both zuri and outside.) Services Hobbies, priorities, and other skills Somewhere on the page where it makes sense visually, add a photo of yourself. Name Email Message

Hint Searching for designs online will give you a better understanding of a beautiful design.

Week3-b is for form

Create the following pages using HTML CSS

Registration page Login page Success register page Your section of the registration page should include

First name Last name Phone number Email Gender (select field) Date of birth (date selection option) Favorite color (color selector) Your section of the login page should include

Email and password If the user uses the correct format for email and password, the user should be navigated to the success page.

Hint Searching for designs online will give you a better understanding of a beautiful design.

Connect with me

Godstime Nwabue

Have fun building! 🚀