
Example on how to use the Google Sheets API to write a Scrapy Item Pipeline

Primary LanguagePython


Example on how to use the Google Sheets API to write a Scrapy Item Pipeline

Google API setup

Configure the API

Firstly you will need to enable the API. You can do this here: Step 1: Turn on the Google Sheets API. After setting your project name, configure your OAuth client to Desktop APP. Then save the client configuration file (credentials.json) to this folder.

Install the Client Library

Afterwards you will probably need to install some libraries as mentioned in Step 2: Install the Google Client Library. The following command should do it in most cases: pip install --upgrade google-api-python-client google-auth-httplib2 google-auth-oauthlib

Get your token

Now you can retrieve your token with the included file get_token.py. You should be able to start it with python get_token.py. After granting permissions, you should end up with a file named token.pickle. Move this file to the scrapy_google_sheets_example/resources folder.


In scrapy_google_sheets_example/settings.py you will have to set the ID of the Spreadsheet you want to save your data to. You can get the ID from the url. For example, for this url https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1eX8ftT1jKY2MyUcaHFV-Oo93qGP1NgHdcC-4MFm6UUc/edit#gid=0 the ID is 1eX8ftT1jKY2MyUcaHFV-Oo93qGP1NgHdcC-4MFm6UUc. So the code would look like this: GOOGLE_SHEET_ID = '1eX8ftT1jKY2MyUcaHFV-Oo93qGP1NgHdcC-4MFm6UUc'

You also need to set a range of cells for the Pipeline as GOOGLE_SHEETS_RANGE. In this example I used the range A:B, which means that the results will be written in the cells A and B.

Starting the spider

The included spider is an example that gets quotes and their authors from quotes.toscrape.com. You can use the command scrapy crawl quotes to start the process.