This tutorial simply demos the integration of the existing application with Angular.
- Spin up the docker container to run the existing application with Angular (SystemJS as module loader):
$ ./scripts/ -m existing -a koa
then open your browser and go to
Transpile files after updating Angular stuff
$ cd ngCliLazyLoading/
$ tsc -p src/
- Spin up the docker container to run the application with Angular (AOT):
$ ./scripts/ -m migration -a koa
then open your browser and go to
Rebuild Angular stuff
$ cd ngCliLazyLoading/
$ ng build --prod --aot --deploy-url /ng/ # for AOT in production mode
$ ng build --deploy-url /ng/ # for development mode
- Get docker image ready for use
$ ./scripts/testing/
- Run unit testing and generate the coverage report under ngCliLazyLoading/coverage/
$ ./scripts/testing/
- Run e2e testing
$ ./scripts/testing/