Docker installation

  • copy env.example to .env
  • run docker-compose up -d --build
  • after the build run docker-compose exec php chown -R laravel:laravel /var/www/html/storage /var/www/html/bootstrap/cache to give laravel user group access to these folders


I already have laravel installer on my Windows machine.

  • I ran the command laravel new test_rowshr
  • I'll be using Wamp server with a vhost for now for faster development.
  • I will be using the latest version of Laravel 11.x (11.9 as in composer.json) with PHP 8.3.6
  • Enable the required php extensions from the documentation
  • Create a mysql database. It is good practice (if not imperative) to also create a user for the database, but in my case I will leave it as root since it is just a test and will most likely not be deployed anywhere

Task 1

  • I start by running the following commands to generate the 3 models and migrations using laravel stubs

  • php artisan make:model -m Employee

  • php artisan make:model -m Project

  • php artisan make:model -m EmployeeProject

  • I deleted the default laravel migrations and the User model, since we won't be dealing with those

  • I filled in the base migrations logic for employees, projects and empoyee_projects

  • php artisan migrate

  • Now I get an error that laravel cannot find the sessions table. This is because the driver for sessions is set to database, so we can adjust that in the config.php or .env. Let's do it in .env, change the SESSION_DRIVER var to basic file

  • I added the model relations for Project and Employee, withPivot('role') because, if not specified only the keys will be selected.

I should make a repository for this test at this point. I will use the Github Desktop app for simplicity

  • I think now it's a good time to make some seeds so we can test if the relations are working as intended. This will jump to the task 2.1, but I'll come back to the other functions in a moment
  • php artisan make:seed EmployeeSeeder and php artisan make:factory EmployeeFactory
  • php artisan make:seed ProjectSeeder and php artisan make:factory ProjectFactory
  • the factories are pretty basic, only name and title
  • Since Employees can have different roles on the Projects and not themselves, I will attach them from the Project Seeder. I will use the function each() to do that. I will also add the timestamps to make the db 'heavier' and have uniformity with irl examples
  • Now I can test the relations with tinker, firing App\Models\Employee::first()->projects()->get() and App\Models\Project::first()->employees()->get() returns data and works fine 😂
  • Now for the extra functions in task 1.4 and task 1.5
  • Since this is a test I will write an additional function for the first point of task 1.4, but I could just call the Eloquest relation employees and get() method or call $project->employees as attribute. Let's just map the pivot->role attribute to the employee itself as role
  • For counting I will have to use DB::raw since role is not a Model to use withCount, also invoke the relation, not the collection and return as $role => $count
  • For Employee's projects function I will copy paste the getEmployees funciton from Project since from a functional perspective is the same and adjust the semantics

Task 2

  • actually task 2.2 since 2.1 is already implemented for testing purposes in Task 1.
  • create 2 controllers php artisan make:controller ProjectController and php artisan make:controller EmployeeController
  • for Project listing task 2.2 I will simply use the with function that already specifies withPivot('role')
  • for the filtering of task 2.3 I will use whereHas and a $role parameter
  • add the Routes to web.php
  • Before moving to task 3 I would like to start with the bonus task with Vue.Js since for task 3 I would have to use web.php instead of api.php. Also I want to have an interface for these functions myself.

Bonus Task

  • I will not separate the frontend and backend from the root directory.
  • I will use Laravel's default module builder, vite and install @vitejs/plugin-vue
  • php artisan install:api and delete the personal_access_token migration since there is no authentication
  • Now that vue is working I will install vue-router and setup the standard App.vue with router.js
  • I will create a folter for employees components and one for project components
  • There isn't much to talk about the vue part, it's just coding. Oh and I used tailwind since it comes preinstalled and it's my fav css framework. You should see the frontend for yourself
  • I tried to include all the functions, but in such a way that I can use relations and not flood the query requests for the db. For example the count of roles is done after clicking a project

Task 3

    1. likely the most complex function so far for the backend. Most Notably I used the type paramenter with automatically converts from the id to the model object, and the role as a request parameter since we are using it as string
    1. basic delete request
    1. using detach method from laravel

Task 4

  • read