
A RESTful web service adapter for the NextBus prediction and transit network reporting service, compatible with Android.

Primary LanguageJavaGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


A RESTful web service adapter for the NextBus prediction and transit network reporting service, compatible with Android.

This project is a fork of the NextBus Public Feed Adapter for Java by Jim Doyle.


  • Make working with the NextBus API easier on the Android platform, without the need for a proxy server.
  • Maintain the same existing functionality of Jim Doyle's NextBus Public Feed Adapter for Java.


  • Jim Doyle's library relies on JAXB, which is not available on Android, so this library uses SimpleXML instead.

The original README for NextBus Public Feed Adapter for Java is as follows:

NextBus Adapter For Java - Built Against Specification V1.18

This Adapter project provides a clean Java API adapter to the NextBus Public XML datafeed. The design goals were to provide a comprehensive implementation that included Unit Tests to achieve long-term maintainability and universality for the community of Java developers. The code honors the goals of loose-coupling and encapsulation. As a result, it is narrow enough to serve the goals of both the Mobile Device developer, as well as the Java Enterprise developer who will inevitably be focusing more on back-end issues.

For the curious and impatient, I've included a downloadable executable JAR that will launch the BeanShell console. This gives you instant gratification access to touch the API methods and try things out without having to go into your IDE and setup a project.

  1. Download the uber-jar from the releases/ download directory.

  2. Run as follows:

    $ java -jar nextbus-beanshelled.jar

    Beanshell will start with a GUI and shell window that you can feed with commands from the next step.

  3. Use the sample script in releases/Nextbus-Beanshell-Howto.txt

While you can dive right in, the Javadoc should also be downloaded from the releases/ file area. Unzip it and point the browser at 'index.html'

Please take time to browse the UML class diagrams that are included in the Javadocs. These help to visually understand the domain classes that were distilled from analysis of the NextBus XML API spec. Keep in mind that some of the classes are Nested due to their inherent aggregation relationship. You'll also learn from the Javadoc how to instantiate the Service Adapter, how to call, and what Exceptions to expect. There's also an RMI Proxy Server and additional clues for customizing the HTTP socket factory.

In particular, take note of the Classes for RouteConfiguration, Schedule and Geolocation as these were designed with additional finder and sort methods to help achieve the most common uses cases.

-- Jim Doyle 3 Jun 2012