
Spoofax 3 language example project

Primary LanguageJava


An example project demonstrating how to create a language project in Spoofax 3.

Building and running

To build and test everything, run:

./gradlew buildAll

To start the CLI and parse a program, run:

./gradlew :mod.cli:run --args="parse ../example/nested.mod"

To create a GraalVM Native Image for the CLI, run:

./gradlew :mod.cli:nativeImage

After building it, you can run the executable. For example:

./mod.cli/build/graal/mod parse ./example/nested.mod

To start the Eclipse plugin, run:

./gradlew :mod.eclipse:runEclipse

To start the IntelliJ plugin, run:

./gradlew :mod.intellij:runIde


This Spoofax 3 language project consists of the following sub-projects:


The language definition for the "mod" language, configured via spoofaxc.cfg. The src directory contains the language definition in SDF3, ESV, Statix, and Stratego, with some basic tests in src/main/test.

We extend the instance with extend-instance = java org.example.mod.ModExtendInstance in spoofaxc.cfg to specify CLI commands in ModExtendInstance#getCliCommand, as that is currently the only way to specify CLI commands.


A command-line interface for the "mod" language, based on the mod project.


An Eclipse plugin for the "mod" language, based on the mod project.


An IntelliJ plugin for the "mod" language, based on the mod project.