
This repository contains a collection of custom button styles designed for use in Oracle Micros Simphony POS applications.

Simphony UI Button Styles

This XAML code defines a set of custom button styles for Oracle Micros Simphony POS applications.

Resource Dictionary

The Resource Dictionary serves as a container for styles and converters. It sets up XML namespaces for various assemblies, making them accessible throughout the XAML code.



The following converters are defined:

BindableStringToResourceConverter: Converts a bindable string to a resource. ButtonCornerTypeToCornerRadiusConverter: Converts button corner type to corner radius. BoolToVisibilityConverter: Converts a boolean to visibility. NullToVisibilityConverter: Converts null to visibility.

<mconverters:BindableStringToResourceConverter x:Key="bindableStringToResourceConverter" />
<mconverters:ButtonCornerTypeToCornerRadiusConverter x:Key="buttonCornerTypeToCornerRadiusConverter"/>
<mconverters:BoolToVisibilityConverter x:Key="boolToVisibilityConverter"/>
<mconverters:NullToVisibilityConverter x:Key="nullToVisibilityConverter"/>

Color Definitions A set of colors is defined to be used in the content below.

<!--This section is used to define the colors you want to use in the below content.-->
<Color x:Key="ButtonColor_01">#312D2A</Color>
<Color x:Key="ButtonColor_02">#C74634</Color>
<!--... (colors 03 to 17) ...-->

Button Styles A style for a button (Simphony-Buttons-Gohulan-01) is defined, and additional styles are based on this initial style.

<Style x:Key="Simphony-Buttons-Gohulan-01" TargetType="{x:Type mcontrol:Button}" BasedOn="{StaticResource MicrosBlue}">
    <!-- Style definition -->

<!-- Simphony-Buttons-Gohulan-02, Simphony-Buttons-Gohulan-03, ... -->
<Style TargetType="mcontrol:Button" x:Key="Simphony-Buttons-Gohulan-02" BasedOn="{StaticResource Simphony-Buttons-Gohulan-01}">
    <!-- Style definition -->

The x:Key attribute uniquely identifies each style, TargetType specifies the type of control (mcontrol:Button), and BasedOn indicates that a style is based on another.