
Delete song button mod for Synth Riders

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


Adds a button to delete songs for Synth Riders [PCVR]

Deleted songs will be added to NoodleManagerX's blacklist



!After an update you might have to either grab the newest release of Trashbin or reinstall MelonLoader completely!

  1. Backup your game files (most important files are songs and settings)
  2. Prepare Synth Riders for the use with mods by following the installation instructions for MelonLoader: https://wiki.synthriderz.com/en/guides/installing-mods
  3. Grab the newest version of Trashbin from releases and extract it to ./SynthRiders/Mods (create new directory if not existent)
  4. Profit?!


This mod is not related to Synth Riders Devs or Kluge Interactive.

Bin icon provided by libertetstudio