
There are frequently used tools for deep learning.

Primary LanguagePython


Toolkit for Deep Learning.

    | - model/
        |- vgg.py
        |- resnet.py
        |- densenet.py
        |- fcn8s.py
        |- unet.py
        |- pspnet.py
        |- deeplabv3+ (deeplabv3+.py, resnet_deeplab.py, aspp.py, decoder.py)
        |- DualGCN.py
        |- JL_DCF.py
        |- swin transformer (swin_transformer_seg.py, mlp_decoder.py)
    |- source-code/
        |- bn_details.py
        |- bn_run.py
        |- CrossEntropyLoss.py
        |- regularization.py
        |- SoftMax.py
    |- utils/
        |- data
            |- data_config.py
            |- divide_data.py
            |- img_ops.py
            |- imgs2video.py
        |- nms
            |- nms_cpu.py
            |- ...
        |- bbox_iou.py
        |- bbox_iou_python.py
        |- BN_torch.py
        |- count_norm.py
        |- dataset.py
        |- loss.py
        |- seg_transform.py
        |- show_img.py
    |- README.md
    |- test.py
    |- test_net.py
    |- train.py


model/vgg.py : ICLR(2015) paper.

model/resnet.py : CVPR(2016) paper.

model/densenet.py : CVPR(2017) paper.

model/fcn8s.py : CVPR(2015) paper.

model/unet.py : MICCAI(2015) paper.

model/pspnet.py : CVPR(2017) paper.

model/deeplabv3+ : ECCV(2018) paper.

model/DualGCN.py : BMVC(2019) paper.

model/JL_DCF.py : CVPR(2020) paper.

model/swin transformer : arXiv(2021) paper.


source-code/bn_details.py : implementation of BN(BatchNormalization) and analysis of its details.

source-code/bn_run.py : implementation of BN(BatchNormalization) and simulation of running.

source-code/CrossEntropyLoss.py : implementation of custom CrossEntropyLoss and BCELoss.

source-code/regularization.py : implementation of L1/L2 normalization, L1/L2 regularization and Dropout.

source-code/SoftMax.py : implementation of SoftMax function in various version.


utils/data/count_nrom.py : count the mean and the standard deviation from datasets.

utils/data/data_config.py : config (hyper-)parameters in main.py.

utils/data/dataset.py : implementation of dataset in segmentation.

utils/data/divide_data.py : divide origin data into train and valid set.

utils/data/img_ops.py : resize, hist equalize and blur images using opencv.

utils/data/imgs2video.py : convert images to video and extract images from video.

utils/data/seg_transform.py : implementation of transform module in segmentation.

utils/nms/nms_cpu.py : remove useless bounding-box by nms(Non-maximum suppression).

utils/bbox_iou.py : calculate iou(Intersection-of-Union) between two bounding-box.

utils/bbox_iou_python.py : calculate iou in python version.

utils/logging_util.py : implementation of logging module with formatting.

utils/loss.py : implementation of loss function, including FocalLoss, BinaryDiceLoss.

utils/show_img.py : visualize image in both plt(matplotlib.pyplot) and cv2(opencv).
