ReCapProject - Car Rental

*Asp.Net Core *Web API *Autofac *-Aspects-Validation-Caching-Performance-Transaction *Entity Framework *JWT

It's a simple rent a car project. But it will be professional with new updates.

Here is the list that you can make with this project right now;

CRUD for Cars, Colors, Brands, Users, Customers and Rentals Working with a real DB EntityFramework files added IEntity, IDto, IEntityRepository, EfEntityRepositoryBase added Core Layer added Real-time queries with your inputs WebAPI added Controllers added (CarsController, BrandsController, ColorsController, CustomersController, UsersController, RentalsController) All functions of Business Layers added to Controllers

  • .Net Core 3.1
  • Restful API
  • Result Türleri
  • Interceptor
  • Autofac
  • IoC Containers
  • AOP, Aspect Oriented Programming
  • Caching
  • Performance
  • Transaction
  • Validation
  • Fluent Validation
  • Cache yönetimi
  • JWT Authentication
  • Repository Design Pattern
  • Cross Cutting Concerns
  • Caching
  • Validation
  • Extensions
  • Claim
  • Claim Principal
  • Exception Middleware
  • Service Collection
  • Error Handling
  • Error Details
  • Validation Error Details