
A set of subjects for Sejong university Computer engineering & Data Science dept. Projects and homework.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Eng : Repository to store Assignments and Homeworks from Sejong University

Kor : 이 저장소는 세종대학교에서 이루어지는 수업에서 작성한 코드들을 보관합니다.

Grade 2 (2019)

Data Structure

Semester Professor Lecture Name Language Lecture Hours / week Credit GradePoint (A~D,F)
First ys Cho Data Structure Korean 5hours / week 4 B+ (3.5)
1학기 조윤식 자료구조 및 실습 한국어 5시간 / 주 4 B+ (3.5)

Basic of Data Analysis

Semester Professor Lecture Name Language Lecture Hours / week Credit GradePoint (A~D,F)
First jw Song Basic of
Data Analysis
Kor, Eng 3hours / week 3 A+ (4.5)
1학기 송재욱 데이터분석개론 한국어, 영어 3시간 / 주 3 A+ (4.5)
Editing Period File Main Title File Sub Title Environment Contents Focus On & Main issue
~2019/04 BasicOfDataAnalysis 1st assignment python / Jupyter notebook Data pre processing
Simple data Visuallization
~2019/07 BasicOfDataAnalysis 3rd assignment python / Jupyter notebook Final Project - Free Topic Titanic, Machine Learning From Disaster. Focused on "Study" about "Real Titanic" (Domain Knoledge Study)

로딩에 많은 시간이 소요됨


Semester Professor Lecture Name Language Lecture Hours / week Credit GradePoint (A~D,F)
Summer Algorithm Kor 5hours / week 4 A0
2학기 나중채 알고리즘및실습 한국어 5시간 / 주 4 A0

Editing Period File Main Title File Sub Title Environment Contents Focus On & Main issue
Algorithm 자료구조 복습 C / VS2019 linked list, binary tree
~2019/09/11 Algorithm Priority Queue C / VS2019 Priority Queue and Selection/Insertion sorting Capsulization

Linear Algebra with Programming

Semester Professor Lecture Name Language Lecture Hours / week Credit GradePoint (A~D,F)
Second Linear Algebra Kor 3hours / week 3 -
2학기 이영렬 선형대수및프로그래밍 한국어 3시간 / 주 3 -
  • 아파서 시험못봄 ㅠㅠ

구조체 정의

typedef struct matrix matrix;
struct matrix {
	int **intmatrix;
	float **floatmatrix;
	double **doublematrix;
	int type;
	int row_size;
	int col_size;

메소드 정의

matrix* newMatrix_square(int size, int type);
void removeMatrix_square(matrix* mat);
matrix* copyMatrix_square(matrix* mat);
// matrix 생성과 소멸과 복사 메모리 관리를 위해 사용. 이것때문에 개고생했네...

matrix* matmul_square_int(matrix *mat1, matrix* mat2);
matrix* matmul_square_double(matrix* mat1, matrix* mat2);
// matrix 곱을 반환함. mat1, mat2 는 훼손되지 않음.
matrix* mul_square_double(double k, matrix* mat);
// 상수 * matrix 곱을 반환함. mat 는 훼손되지 않음.

int det_square_int(matrix* mat);
double det_square_double(matrix* mat);
// determinant(행렬식) 를 [cofactor 을 이용하여] 구할때 사용. 기존 mat 은 훼손되지 않음.

matrix* transposeMatrix_square(matrix* mat);
// transpose matrix (전치행렬) 을 만들 때 사용. 기존 mat 은 훼손되지 않음.

matrix* adjugateMatrix_square_double(matrix* mat);
// adjugate matrix (수반행렬) 을 만들 때 사용. 기존 mat 은 훼손되지 않음.

matrix* inverseMatrix_square_double(matrix* mat);
// inverse matrix (역행렬) 을 [determine, adjugate matrix 를 이용하여] 만들 때 사용. 기존 mat 은 훼손되지 않음.

matrix* select_square(matrix* mat, int row, int col);
// cofactor 을 만들 때 사용. 특정 row 와 특정 col 을 제거한 matrix 를 새로 만들어서 반환함.

void printMatirx(matrix* mat);
// matrix 구조체를 print 할 때 사용

Computer Organization And Design

Semester Professor Lecture Name Language Lecture Hours / week Credit GradePoint (A~D,F)
Second Gi-Ho Park Computer Structure Kor 3hours / week 3 B+
2학기 박기호 컴퓨터구조 한국어 3시간 / 주 3 B+

Editing Period File Main Title File Sub Title Environment Contents Focus On & Main issue
1/4 Computer Organization ... mars Assembly / Mars understand ISA with Assembly program pointer, stack pointer 로 재귀함수 구현 등
2/4 Computer Organization ... cahcesim C / VS2019 Cahce simulator
3/4 Computer Organization ... mipscpu C / VS2019 cpu datapath make cpu datapath with capsulized function

Grade 3 (2020)

ProblemSolvingAndLAB C++

Semester Professor Lecture Name Language Lecture Hours / week Credit GradePoint (A~D,F)
First Yong-Hak Ahn ProblemSolving&LAB C++ Kor 3hours / week 3
1학기 안용학 문제해결및실습 C++ 한국어 3시간 / 주 3

Editing Period File Main Title File Sub Title Environment Contents Focus On & Main issue