
This is my project for university management systems.

Primary LanguageJava

University Management System


This Project is created for Goksel University. System keeps information about students, teachers and so on.
There are three types of account;

  1. Admin
  2. Teacher
  3. Student

Admin can manage the whole system by his/her account. Students and teachers accounts are created by the admin, they cannot register the system.

Admin can view, update and add new information specified below.

  • Program
  • Course
  • Teacher
  • Student


Username: admin
Password: aa


Admin can add new items to system. Admin can add new program or new course and also can admit new students or teachers.

New Program

  • Department Id and Department Name fields must be filled.
  • Department Id and Department Name fields must be unique.
  • Department Id must have maximum 3 characters.

New Course

  • All input fields must be filled.
  • Course Id must have maximum 5 characters.
  • Title must be given.
  • Teacher must be selected.
  • Credit must be selected.
  • Semester must be selected.
  • Year must be specified.
  • Day must be selected.
  • Start time and Duration must be selected.
  • If the course wanted to be added has a prerequisite course, prerequisite course must be selected. Otherwise (None) must be selected.
  • Deparment Id must be selected.
  • Course Id must be unique.
  • Specified year, semester, time period must be available to add this new course.
  • When a new course is added to system, its quota is created 20 by default.

New Teacher Admission

  • All input fields must be filled.
  • Name, Age, E-mail, Address must be specified.
  • Phone must have 11 characters.
  • Date of Birthday must be specified that format yyyy-mm-dd.
  • Department must be selected.
  • Name of the teacher will be username of his/her account.
  • Password must be written.

New Student Admission

  • All input fields must be filled.
  • Name, Age, E-mail, Address must be specified.
  • Phone must have 11 characters.
  • Date of Birthday must be specified that format yyyy-mm-dd.
  • Level(Undergraduate, Master, PhD) must be selected.
  • Name of the student will be username of his/her account.
  • Password must be written.


Admin can update information in the system.

Update Program

  • Name of the programs can be changed.
  • Existed programs can be deleted.

Update Course

  • Quota of courses can be changed.
  • Teacher of courses can be changed.
  • Day of courses can be changed.
  • Start time of courses can be changed.
  • Existed courses can be deleted.
  • Day or start time field can be changed if the desired day or start time is available in the system.
  • Teacher can be changed if the program of new teacher is available.

Update Teacher

  • Program of teacher can be changed.
  • E-mail of teacher can be changed.
  • Phone number of teacher can be changed.
  • Teacher can be deleted.

Update Student

  • Program of student can be changed.
  • Level of student can be changed.
  • E-mail of student can be changed.
  • Phone number of student can be changed.
  • Student can be deleted.


Admin can see detailed information.

Program Details

  • Name of programs.
  • Id of programs.

Course Details

  • Course Id, title, department courses.
  • Teacher name of courses.
  • Credit of courses.
  • Year, semester, day, start time and duration of courses.
  • Prerequisites of courses.
  • Quota of courses.
  • Filtering metod can be used for advance searching.
  • Items can be filtered according to year, semester, credit and department.

Teacher Details

  • Name of teachers.
  • Age of teachers.
  • E-mail of teachers.
  • Address of teachers.
  • Phone number of teachers.
  • Birthdate of teachers.
  • Program of teachers.
  • Items can be filtered according to department of teachers.

Student Details

  • Name of students.
  • Age of students.
  • E-mail of students.
  • Address of students.
  • Phone number of students.
  • Birthdate of students.
  • Level of students.
  • Program of students.
  • Items can be filtered according to level and department of students.


They can login the system with their name and given password. In teacher page, there are 4 sections.

Course Offered

  • Teachers can see all courses with detailed information.
  • Teachers can make a search courses with filtering by year, semester, credit, department.


  • Teachers can see their current semester courses and registered student lists of courses, teachers can enter students grades in this section.

My Schedule

  • Teachers can see their current semester weekly programs in a table.

Academic Information

  • Teachers can see their current semester academic information such as course id, course name and number of registered student of their classes.


They can login the system with their name and given password. In student page, there are also 4 sections.

Course Offered

  • Students can see all courses with detailed information.
  • Students can make a search courses with filtering by year, semester, credit, department.

Course Registration

  • Course registration system is active only on determined days by admin.
  • It is not possible to enter this section except as specified dates.
  • For just before spring and fall semesters, the system is active 2 times in a year.
  • This section same as course offered, student can see courses and also can make an advance search to see courses. Additionally, they can register courses.
  • Students can register courses for their new academic semester.
  • Students can register courses, if the course has enough quota.
  • Students can register courses, if their weekly schedule is available in terms of courses time periods.
  • Students must have passed prerequisite courses successfully, if the course they are planning to register has prerequisite.

My Schedule

  • Students can see their current semester weekly programs in a table.

Academic Information

  • Students can see their GPA and academic standing (Honor, High Honor).
  • Students can see their transcript.
