
Hello World to using ArCore with Filament.

Primary LanguageKotlinMIT LicenseMIT


Hello World to using ArCore with Filament.

It detects plane, place a single object(bundled along as asset) on tap and transform it. Uses Depth mode if available for device.

hello_ar_filament_1 hello_ar_filament_2


  • This project also includes Filament's material builder gradle plugin, which compiles .matc materials in src/main/materials to .filamat in src/main/assets/materials. Compiling is based on matc in filament/bin, acquired from filament release.

    It's required to update the matc as you update the filament version.

  • Can also user build-materials.sh to recompile materials manually.

know more about filament here

Build with reusability in mind.

Thanks to

Filament Samples

ArCore Samples

Reference zirman/arcore-filament-example-app

glTF Model "Perry" by Sprint.