
Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT

Subcoin: Bitcoin Full Node in Substrate

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Subcoin is currently in its early development stages and is not yet ready for production use. See the disclaimer below.


Subcoin is a full node implementation of Bitcoin in Rust, built using the Substrate framework. By leveraging Substrate's modular and flexible architecture, Subcoin aims to offer a robust and performant implementation of Bitcoin protocol. It is the first Bitcoin client that introduces the snap (fast) sync into the Bitcoin ecosystem, a syncing strategy common in newer blockchains (Ethereum, Polkadot, Near, etc) with a global chain state.


  • 🔄 Snap Sync. Employs Substrate's advanced state sync strategy, enabling Bitcoin snap sync by downloading all headers and the state at a specific block, in decentralized manner. This allows new users to quickly sync to the latest state of the Bitcoin chain by running a Subcoin node.
  • 🔗 Substrate Integration. Utilizes Substrate framework to provide production-level blockchain infrastructures.

Development Status

Currently, Subcoin tentatively implements the feature of syncing as a Bitcoin full node. It is not yet capable of participating in the Bitcoin consensus as a miner node. Please note that Subcoin is not stable and is still under active development. Additional features and improvements are in the planning stages.

Run Tests

cargo test --workspace --all


Do not use Subcoin in production. It is a heavy work in progress, not feature-complete and the code has not been audited as well. Use at your own risk.


Contributions to Subcoin are welcome! If you have ideas for improvements, bug fixes, or new features, feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request. Make sure to follow the contribution guidelines and code of conduct when contributing to the project.


Subcoin is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for information.