
每天三点,生成非cn ip列表,指向eth0网卡

Primary LanguagePython


Similar to chnroutes, but instead generates routes that are not originating from Mainland China and generates result in BIRD static route format

Both IPv4 and IPv6 are supported.

As of 2021年7月, the size of generated table is roughly 11000-12000 entries for IPv4 (depends on the IP list used) and 14000 for IPv6. On a Raspberry Pi 4 with BIRD, full loading and convergence over OSPF with RouterOS running on Mikrotik hEX takes around 5 秒之前.

For practical usage, check out my blog post (available in Chinese only): https://idndx.com/use-routeros-ospf-and-raspberry-pi-to-create-split-routing-for-different-ip-ranges/

Requires Python 3, no additional dependencies.

$ python3 produce.py -h

usage: produce.py [-h] [--exclude [CIDR [CIDR ...]]] [--next INTERFACE OR IP]
                  [--ipv4-list [{apnic,ipip} [{apnic,ipip} ...]]]

Generate non-China routes for BIRD.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --exclude [CIDR [CIDR ...]]
                        IPv4 ranges to exclude in CIDR format
                        next hop for where non-China IP address, this is
                        usually the tunnel interface
  --ipv4-list [{apnic,ipip} [{apnic,ipip} ...]]
                        IPv4 lists to use when subtracting China based IP,
                        multiple lists can be used at the same time (default:
                        apnic ipip)

To specify China IPv4 list to use, use the --ipv4-list as the following:

  • python3 produce.py --ipv4-list ipip - only use list from ipip.net
  • python3 produce.py --ipv4-list apnic - only use list from APNIC
  • python3 produce.py --ipv4-list apnic ipip - use both lists (default)

If you want to run this automatically, you can first edit Makefile and uncomment the BIRD reload code at the end, then:

sudo crontab -e

and add 0 0 * * 0 make -C /path/to/nchnroutes to the file.

This will re generate the table every Sunday at midnight and reload BIRD afterwards.




本仓库每天五点生成最新路由表信息。 无特殊要求,可直接下载发行版中路由表。