A slightly less clumsy python bot for discord
A sample of his $help
A bot that does stuff.... probably
removeadmin Removes a role from the admin list (admin only).
removemotd Removes the message of the day from the selected channel.
lock Toggles whether the bot only responds to admins (admin-only).
addadmin Adds a new role to the xp promotion/demotion system (admin only).
setrules Set the server's rules (admin-only).
removerole Removes a role from the xp promotion/demotion system (admin on...
addrole Adds a new role to the xp promotion/demotion system (admin only).
setxp Sets an absolute value for the member's xp (admin only).
mute Toggles whether a member can send messages in chat (admin-only).
unmute Allows a muted member to send messages in chat (admin-only).
setxpreserve Set's an absolute value for the member's xp reserve (admin only).
setlinkrole Sets the required role ID to add/remove links (admin only).
setmotd Adds a message of the day to the selected channel.
sethackrole Sets the required role ID to add/remove hacks (admin only).
playgame Sets the playing status of the bot (admin only).
nickname Set the bot's nickname (admin-only).
ismuted Says whether a member is muted in chat.
listadmin Lists admin roles and id's.
rules Display the server's rules.
islocked Says whether the bot only responds to admins.
randcalvin Randomly picks and displays a Calvin & Hobbes comic.
randgarfield Randomly picks and displays a Garfield Minus Garfield comic.
randcyanide Randomly picks and displays a Cyanide & Happiness comic.
randilbert Randomly picks and displays a Dilbert comic.
xkcd Displays the XKCD comic for the passed date (MM-DD-YYYY) or co...
garfield Displays the Garfield Minus Garfield comic for the passed date...
dilbert Displays the Dilbert comic for the passed date (MM-DD-YYYY).
calvin Displays the Calvin & Hobbes comic for the passed date (MM-DD-...
cyanide Displays the Cyanide & Happiness comic for the passed date (MM...
randxkcd Displays a random XKCD comic.
roll Rolls a dice in NdN format.
joined Says when a member joined.
add Adds two numbers together.
choose Chooses between multiple choices.
iskill Check the ded of the bot.
kill Kill the bot... you heartless soul.
setkillrole Sets the required role ID to add/remove hacks (admin only).
hunger How hungry is the bot?
feed Feed the bot some xp!
resurrect Restore life to the bot. What magic is this?
fart PrincessZoey :P
parts Retrieve a member's parts list.
hack Retrieve a hack from the hack list.
removelink Remove a link from the link list.
addhack Add a hack to the hack list.
removehack Remove a hack from the hack list.
partstemp Gives a copy & paste style template for setting a parts list.
online Lists the number of users online.
setparts Set your own parts - can be a url, formatted text, or nothing ...
link Retrieve a link from the link list.
hacks List all links in the link list.
links List all links in the link list.
addlink Add a link to the link list.
playing Shows info about currently playing.
resume Resumes the currently played song.
play Plays a song.
join Joins a voice channel.
volume Sets the volume of the currently playing song.
skip Vote to skip a song. The song requester can automatically skip.
pause Pauses the currently played song.
stop Stops playing audio and leaves the voice channel.
summon Summons the bot to join your voice channel.
wallpaper Get something pretty to look at.
thinkdeep Spout out some intellectual brilliance.
nocontext Spout out some intersexual brilliance.
brainfart Spout out some uh... intellectual brilliance...
answer Spout out some interstellar answering... ?
earthporn Earth is good.
question Spout out some interstellar questioning... ?
flush Flush the bot settings to disk (admin only).
getsstat Gets a server stat (admin only).
setsstat Sets a server stat (admin only).
getstat Gets the value for a specific stat for the listed member (case...
xp Gift xp to other members.
gamble Gamble your xp reserves for a chance at winning xp!
stats List the xp and xp reserve of a listed member.
rank Say the highest rank of a listed member.
listroles Lists all roles, id's, and xp requirements for the xp promotio...
No Category:
help Shows this message.
Type $help command for more info on a command.
You can also type $help category for more info on a category.```